State of Pilgrimage


  • AUD: $25.84 - $68.90

A film series about people, sacred places and journeying to them, by Alanna Moore.

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Price per disc: €15 $AUD25.
Available on 3 DVDs only, with 2 films per disc (parts 1 &2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6).
Price for the full series on 3 DVDs: €40 $AUD65

Part One: Glastonbell Dreaming
Part Two: Pilgrimage to Central Australia
Part Three – A Thirst for Ireland
Part Four: Saving Tara
Part Five: Bali – geomantic journeying in paradise
Part 6: South Australian Sojourn

Part One: Glastonbell Dreaming

35 minutes
Alanna interviews Phillip Simpfendorfer (dec.), Australia’s first white geomancer, who speaks of his many spiritual adventures, journeys to Kashmir, central Australia, Tasmania and Antarctica. His involvement in the Renewing the Dreaming movement in the 1980’s, that helped to bridge the cultures of Europe and Aboriginal-land, is also reminisced.

See spectacular landscapes of Glastonbell in the temple-like sandstone escarpments of the Blue Mountains region, west of Sydney.

Part Two: Pilgrimage to Central Australia

40 minutes
An exploration of Aboriginal Dreaming and the spirits of place in fabulous landscapes around Alice Springs, in Australia’s red centre, where the Arunta people’s culture still holds strong. In order to protect sacred sites, the Arunta have divulged information about them and they are afforded legal protection. Signs about the presence of sacred sites are found all over town and beyond.

Billy Arnold, a clairvoyant researcher, astrologer and laya yoga exponent, lived in Alice Springs for several years discovering the Dreamtime dimensions of sacred sites and identifying nature spirits that he encountered there, with the help of their Aboriginal custodians. These people proudly share their culture through the medium of art, dance and song. Their paintings are the spiritual dimensions of the Dreaming made manifest and they have achieved international acclaim. (The deepest esoteric understandings of stories are not usually divulged to non-initiated people.) The film features Dreamtime artists and their spectacular art, with some explanations from Billy of their significance. Dreamtime songs feature in the soundtrack.

Billy takes Alanna and Rhonda on a tour of local sacred sites, travelling into the other dimensional world of the Dreaming amidst magnificent wild landscapes, and in some suburban areas too.

“This DVD looks at a very unique individual whose spiritual journeys have been entwined with the Ancestral dreamtime beings of this great land. In Pilgrimage to Central Australia the author has given the story teller Billy Arnold the freedom to express and show his spiritual encounters that he has had while living in Alice Springs. I found myself transfixed by the amount of passion that he displays around culturally significant sites and events. This video shows that Billy has taken time to get to know the local people and openly acknowledges Arunta culture and lore. I enjoyed being able to see the sites that he talked about and to see how he interacts with the local people. His description of spirit comes from having a deep understanding of the land and traditions. The video includes Billy’s spiritual experiences and stories which incorporate dreamtime facts, beautiful pictorials of Alice Springs and Aboriginal Sites. Watching this was a truly enjoyable experience, and a credit to Alanna Moore for putting this together. Overall I believe that Alanna did a good job in developing this DVD which creates awareness of Aboriginal Culture and the connection to Ancestral Spirits experienced by Billy” – Angela Krone, Pagan Times, winter 2005. (Angela is an indigenous Koori woman from the Worimi and Biripi people of the N.S.W. mid coast area; she has lived and worked in many Aboriginal Communities around Australia. Now based in W.A. with two university degrees, she uses her skills to represent and empower her people.)

Part Three – A Thirst for Ireland

27 minutes
Alanna travels to Ireland, looks at the cultural connections with Australia, visits sacred sites, such as the Crom Dubh stone circle at Lough Gur in County Limerick, which is her own ancestral Dreaming country, and conveys the magical atmosphere of the special places that have been respected and honoured over the ages there. Beautiful landscapes, music and poetry help to reveal the magic of Ireland.

“This video mostly filmed in Ireland covers Alanna Moore’s visits to many of the ancient stone circle sites and stone mounds on hills that seem to abound there The camerawork is again good and the sites are beautiful especially when the camcorder rests on shimmering water reflecting colours around it which creates a real atmosphere of ‘little people’ and Irish mysticism which was quite a bewitching apart from educating us about a type of ancient site I had not seen before.” – Angie Lyndon, Natural Resonance Study Group newsletter, Perth, W.A

Part Four: Saving Tara

18 minutes
A sacred ceremonial landscape in Ireland’s heartland is threatened by a big motorway development. See how people have been protesting there, including a Druid ritual of protection and find out what role the Opus Dei organisation, Dick Cheney and Halliburton Co. had to play in why it was happening and where, despite EU condemnation. Practical geomancy at it’s radical edge.
A four minute version is now freely available to see on You Tube:

“This is another in Alanna Moore’s important and fascinating series. It mostly depicts a protest held at the edge of a site being cleared for what looks like a wide highway through an important Irish site called Tara. The passionate angry singing of her protest song by a young warrior goddess figure will remain in your memory. She sings it up close like a wounded animal to a trio of police people who are of course as powerless as anyone else seems to be to stop the huge machines destroying heritage. Also lingering in the memory is the chief druid passionately explaining the acceptance of this destruction in the context of a version of New World Order conspiracy theory which you may or may not embrace [I tend to keep an open mind as the odds stack up sadly in some of the conspiracy theory’s favour.] Good camerawork is also a mark of this video.” – Angie Lyndon, Natural Resonance Study Group newsletter, Perth, W.A.

Part Five: Bali – geomantic journeying in paradise

32 minutes
A dreamy visit to Bali in April 2008 brought insights into the highly spiritual aspects of Balinese culture and country. The result is a feast for the eyes and spirit. Geomancy of the traditional Balinese home compound is explained by a local, fabulous temple types are explored, a sublime mountain lake goddess encountered, and much much more!

Part 6: South Australian Sojourn

35 minutes
From the vibrant botanic gardens of Adelaide during a Womadelaide (world of music) festival, to the moody Flinders Ranges, via the Murray River delta and enigmatic Kangaroo Island – this is a South Australian journey with a difference! Sacred country, Aboriginal art and mythos are explored, including the desecration of Hindmarsh Island/Kumarangk by developers. (Better that you know, than go there unprepared.)

Eight years in the gathering up, another highlight of this film is Esther Ross relating a remarkable story from the Flinders Ranges, where, in a cave, she experienced a powerful series of visions of the past, going backwards in time to the dinosaur era!

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