Earth Care, Earth Repair


  • AUD: $24.29 - $77.73

by Alanna Moore

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Scientists have been painting gloom and doom scenarios for the Australian environment for too long. While keeping busy writing up reports about widespread land degradation, there are ordinary people out in the back blocks coming up with creative, intuitive, innovative and practical solutions to the many environmental crises we face. These often unsung heroes of land care and land repair may be using unusual, paradigm-challenging methods and this, and the threat to the profits of the chemical companies, often means that we never get to hear about their environmental success stories. Get to meet some of these people and discover their contribution to Earth care.

The film series is a call for all people to consider positive approaches to their environment, and to discover backyard solutions to global problems. Alanna Moore is a great believer in the power of positive focused thought and intuitive faculties put into action.

Alanna Moore and Marilyn Sprague give some tree selection and planting tips in drought stricken Victoria, including Alanna’s dowsing and planting methods. Dave Kennett in the dry wheat belt of Western Australia then shows us some of his successful dowsing and planting techniques and projects.

Internationally acclaimed originators of the permaculture design system, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren show us around their temperate climate gardens, spilling pearls of wisdom on the way. Ross Henderson in Tasmania demonstrates how to test for soil requirements with the dowsing rod and Alanna Moore explains about paramagnetic rock dust to one of her dowsing classes. Pia Lindgrew tells us about the explosive growth of her olive trees after biodynamic sprays and rock dusts were applied.

Solutions to soil erosion and salinity are shown, with the excellent Keyline system of farm planning. We see two areas in Western Australia once subject to drylands salting that have been given a new lease of life, firstly with the WISALTS system of water control (which also relies on dowsing), then with the more esoteric methods as used by the Men of the Trees and the Natural Resonance Study Groups there.

Available on DVD only, there are 2 films on each disc (1 &2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6, 7 & 8).
Price per disc: €15 $AUD25.
Price for the full series on 4 DVDs: €48 $AUD85

Part 1: Dowsing, Greening & Crystal Farming
Part 2: Eco-Gardeners Down-Under
Part 3: Grassroots Solutions to Soil Salinity
Part 4: Growing & Gauging Sustainability
Part Five: Remineralising the Soil
Part Six: Making Power Towers
Part Seven: Agnihotra & Homa Farming
Part Eight: Radionic Farming & Landcare in Australasia

Part 1: Dowsing, Greening & Crystal Farming

26 minutes.
Alanna Moore and Marilyn Sprague in Bendigo give some tree selection and planting tips for drought stricken Victoria, including Alanna’s dowsing and planting methods. Then in Western Australia Dave Kennett shows us some of his dowsing and planting techniques at a field day; and wheat farmers Geoff and Elaine Scholz explain their methods of crystal farming, which have been a fabulous success.

Part 2: Eco-Gardeners Down-Under

26 minutes.
Tour the temperate climate gardens of permaculture pioneers Bill Mollison (dec.) and David Holmgren, who give us many practical insights to permaculture design. (Bill very rarely gave interviews, so this one is a special gem!!) Then in tropical north Queensland see the jungly gardens of Jane ‘Many Leaves’ Lawrence, with unusual food plants and Transylvanian Naked Neck chickens featured.

Part 3: Grassroots Solutions to Soil Salinity

38 minutes.
Ever wondered why salt and acidity are the ‘plagues’ of agriculture in Australia and elsewhere? Could it be something to do with current farming practises? How can we really lick the problem?
This film looks at how some farmers in Australia are successfully tackling these problems, despite government agriculture scientists telling us that their methods “can’t work”. It shows how dowsing has been used as an important tool for restoring badly degraded, salted farmland in Western Australia and beyond. We get to see two farms that have been saved from salting, by installing water interceptor banks and planting trees on their banks. We see how dowsing has been applied to this practical system of Earth care, the WISALTS method, as Laurie Adamsom demonstrates.

The theory of a ‘rising water table’ as a cause of land salting, is generally not the cause of it at all, is the premise of the WISALTS system. Meet scientist Rob Gourlay who has proved, with his own technological breakthrough, that the science behind the theory of the ‘rising water table’ is flawed, while an expensive Government programme hasn’t stopped the problem. Australia actually needs a radical overhaul of farming methods to create a sustainable agriculture, as the ultimate solution, is Rob’s conclusion.

Part 4: Growing & Gauging Sustainability

26 minutes.
Malcolm Borgward describes his progress in developing sustainable farming methods, guided by ‘Universal Knowledge’ – which he accesses with kinesiology (muscle testing). He has achieved outstanding results with soil enhancers including rock dust, lime and microbes. Retired organic farmer David von Pein then tells us how we can monitor the value of soil inputs using various probes and meters. He demonstrates the use of the Brix meter (a refractometer), which measures the level of sugars in crop plants – as a good indicator of their health and nutritional value.

Part Five: Remineralising the Soil

Land degradation is rife in the world, with farmland topsoils vanishing rapidly. Our foodstuffs have ever decreasing nutritional values as a result. Mineral imbalance in modern society is widespread and is linked to disease on physical, mental and spiritual levels.

The answer to the problem of low mineral status comes to us from the Earth. Crushed rock of many varieties can help to rejuvenate soils in a short time (given enough organic matter and the presence of moisture and soil microbes) and thus provide us with greatly improved nutrition from crops grown in them.

Alanna Moore introduces the subject from an intuitive perspective, we get to see a dowser in Tasmania showing his method of soil testing by dowsing, followed by an explanation of the energetic value of volcanic rock dusts at a training workshop session. This beneficial energy is known as paramagnetism, and samples are seen tested with by magnet and dowsing, while Professor Phil Callahan’s discoveries in this regard are outlined.

A case study, where excellent results are seen from using biodynamic growing practises combined with paramagnetism rock dust, is then showcased, with Pia Lindgrew talking about the amazing growth in her commercial olive grove in New South Wales (afterwards the farm, unfortunately, was compulsory purchased and turned into a coal mine!).

Part Six: Making Power Towers

32 minutes.
The mysterious Irish Round Towers found in monastic complexes of old Ireland have caused much speculation about their purpose. Professor Phil Callahan discovered that these antenna like stone structures, towering up to some 34m/100′ tall, act as wave guides for cosmic energies which can have beneficial effects on Earth.

See several Round Towers in Ireland, then find out how small replicas can be used in the garden and farm to enhance plant growth, enliven livestock and a host of other effects. Alanna demonstrates dowsing the energy fields of mini Towers made from paramagnetic sandpaper and talks about some of her experiences and results from building over 100 Towers around Australasia. She outlines the theory of modern Power Tower building to her dowsing class, then we get to see one being constructed by them, and dowsing of the resulting energy field.

Eight Tower owners around Australia then talk about their Towers and the effects they have noticed since they went up. From lusher orchards, increased wildlife, happier chickens, improved business, greater family harmony and more rainfall, to increased productivity in commercial strawberry, herb and wheat crops.

Part Seven: Agnihotra & Homa Farming

33 minutes.
A revival of ancient Indian tradition, the practise of Agnihotra – involving the regular practise of sacred fires and rituals – can help restore harmony to the environment and make plants grow better. Frits and Lee Ringma talk about and show us the benefits of Homa farming at their Hunter Valley, NSW, property ‘Om Shree Dham’ and demonstrate the fire ritual.

Part Eight: Radionic Farming & Landcare in Australasia

42 minutes
Agricultural radionics is a form of applied dowsing, or 21st century water divining. Radionic methods include soil testing and balancing, and health diagnosis and healing at a distance. Alanna interviews four radionic practitioners who talk about their methods and experiences in this cutting edge of esoteric agriculture. Find out how they treat health problems of livestock, soil imbalances, rain making, and more.

Ross Henderson in Tasmania tells of his many years of radionic cattle farming, starting with a sick farm he brought back into harmony. Ross talks of how he pioneered the use of agricultural radionic coils with master dowsers Ralph Thomas and Frank Moody (including Frank’s anti-rabbit coils).

In central Tasmania Peter Downie describes the challenging problems of his large highland sheep farm and how radionics is helping to improve the harmony of the land and his family’s health and happiness. We get to see some of Ross’s coils there, while Peter dowses the energy field.

Then James Hedley, a radionic farming consultant of New South Wales tells of his discoveries and explains his methods. James is in demand from landcare groups eager to control pests without the use of toxic chemicals. He can even make it rain! James uses radionic coils, biodynamic sprays and a standard radionic instrument. We get to see the effects these have had on rejuvenating the soil and orchard on his farm.

Lastly, we get to hear from professional radionic consultant Alistair Cox on the subject, at a dairy farm near Auckland in New Zealand, and see some more Radionic Coils.

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