Site Dowsing


  • AUD: $129.55

Site Dowsing by Alanna Moore

Site Dowsing by Alanna Moore

Site dowsing surveys are most useful for discovering the energetic environment and for avoidance of detrimental zones etc. Now semi-retired, Alanna Moore usually does not offer on-site surveys anymore, but there are exceptions! If the site is not far from where she is, for example.

To do a site survey justice, Alanna’s pendulum dowsing is complimented by the technological metering of electromagnetic fields etc. (High frequency EMR meters are a must these days!)

Some of the environmental energies that may influence a site are listed below.

Hourly fees apply, with a one hour minimum charge. Most small jobs are completed within one hour. Hourly rate – €80 / $AUD120 / £70 per hour.

Questions about site survey availability can be emailed to Alanna Moore:

Environmental Energy Checklist

Earth Energies

Underground water flows (causing geopathic stress)
Surface waters eg spring, water drainage problem
Geological faults or vulcanism
Mineral orebody – granite, uranium, lead etc
Geodetic currents e.g. Dragon/Serpent Lines, Fairy Pathways
Vortex (chakra point) – upwards, downwards, both ways
Mines, quarries, tunnels, pipes, hollows
Nature spirit, centre for nature spirits
Sacred site, sacred site complex (‘Landscape Temple’)
Biological energies of nature (plants, animals, etc)

Sky Energies

Energy leys (also called ley lines)
Universal / planetary grids (also called Curry, Hartmann etc grids)
Cosmic rays
Planetary and lunar influences
Air elemental spirit beings e.g. angels, sylphs, fairies
Electromagnetic fields

Man Made & Building Energies

House history
House structure and materials
House shapes or forms
Household objects
House spirit/s
Pollution from air / sound / soil / water / food / furnishings
Metal structures eg sheds, fences
Phones – mobile / cordless / transmission masts
Electricals – wiring / appliances / ‘smart’ meter / dirty electricity / wireless internet
Electrical transmission – big power lines / transformers / stray voltage (ground current)
Bad thoughtforms & feelings from people, plants, or animals
Burial, battle or massacre site
Entity (eg revenant, ghost)


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