Geomantica 89
June 2024
The magazine of Earth harmony, via dowsing, geomancy, esoteric gardening & agriculture,
and eco-sensitive living, since 1998. Edited by Alanna Moore.
Geo 89 Contents
News –
* Mythic Mountain Tours – This summer/autumn Alanna Moore is leading small groups of 2 – 10 people on customised sacred site tours of north west Ireland.
* Alanna Moore interviewed by Shonagh Home, on podcast available HERE. (The first hour is free.) And more, just updated!
* Cellphone-Free Community Forming in Nicaragua.
* New book by Alanna Moore – Stone Age Farming, Italian edition June 2024. The newly translated book is updated and with Italian relevance and resources.
* Mount Etna volcano vortex rings, a rare phenomena
* Earth Energies Group Zoom Meetings
* Geopathic Stress and the International House Healers Network
Features –
‘Companion Planting of Vegetables – a dowsing approach’ by David Kennet, Western Australia
‘Zurich Dreaming’, by Alanna Moore, June 2024. Encounters with nature spirits in Switzerland.
Book Reviews
* ‘Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health’ – free pdf
* ’Stone Age Farming’, Italian edition June 2024
* ’The Fairy Haunts of Ireland’, reviewed by Melanie Lorien.
What’s On?
Geomantica training events in Ireland (including Mythic Mountain Tours), Italy, Germany, Switzerland this summer/autumn and in eastern Australia in November/December 2024.
Welcome to the 89th edition of Geomantica magazine.
After a super wet spring, summer has come to Ireland and the sun is peeking through. Personally, I’m happy when it’s dull, cloudy weather. As an electro-sensitve person, strong sunlight can give me headaches. The Irish climate is very gentle, unlike the ozone-free southern half of Australasia, where the sun gets very intense when the annual ozone hole develops.
I hope you enjoy the information and stories in this edition. There are opportunities for budding geomancers to learn and network together in there too. There is a huge need in the world for you all!
If you wish to subscribe and receive occasional Geomantica emails, just drop us a line with your email address and say which part of the world you are in.
Write to –
Happy reading,
your editor
Alanna Moore
“I am so appreciative of your news letter and all the wisdom you share. I just wanted to say a HUGE THANKYOU.”
K., Victoria.
…”I am concerned that are no Bumble bees so far this spring.I hope they only being affected by the rain and not the frequency coming in from all the Satellites. I have been ill 3 times in the last 6 months following visits to my daughters in Cardiff for a few days at each visit. I seem to be sensitive to 5G and get flu like symptoms and this last time after visiting over the New Year I also had a rash all over my chest which is still present although not so severe now after 2 months. I believe this is radiation poisoning ?? I hope it’s not killing the bees??
Love and blessings for your work in 2024.
Regards J W, Pembrokeshire, Wales.
Hi Alanna
I’m enjoying the newsletter this month. I researched the Elf whisperer you mentioned listening to on BBC2. I found the podcast and have listened to it via BBC2 Different with Nicky Campbell podcast on spotify. Her name is Bryndis Fjóla Pètursdóttir, who describes herself as a seer and horticulturalist.
Kind regards, S. Ireland
Geo 89 News
* Alanna Moore interviewed by Shonagh Home, on podcast available HERE. (The first hour is free.)
And now more interviews online, just updated on 26/6/24:
Peasant in Paradise – Alanna Moore & Andrea Donnoli
Alanna Moore & Andrea Donnoli – Agricoltura Energetica published June 2024
Touring north west Ireland with Alanna Moore & ElettroColtura Fairs & Irish Towers
Fairy Haunts of Ireland, new book by Alanna Moore
Agricoltura Energetica ITA ENG
ALL OUR VIDEO PLAYLIST on Youtube ElettroColtura Channel:
* Mythic Mountain Tours of north west Ireland.
This summer/autumn Alanna Moore is running an exciting opportunity for people to discover and appreciate places where the ‘veils are thin’. She is leading small groups of 2 – 10 people on customised sacred site tours to explore and attune to special places, their energies and spirit entities, with training in Intuitive Arts & Geomancy also provided. (Participants need their own vehicle.)
Self-catering accommodation is available for 2-4 in a low electro-smog house in a village on the banks of the River Shannon, Co. Leitrim, Ireland. Other accommodation is nearby. There are also optional extra Yoga, Sound Healing and Shamanic sessions available.
Here is a testimonial:
“My partner and I embarked on what can only be described as a ‘uniquely curated experience’ while visiting Ireland [April 2024]. Discovering Alanna Moore’s book ‘The Fairy Realms of Ireland’ and her well renowned skill with dowsing we excitedly contacted her and booked a two night stay inclusive of a tour with her.
Staying with Alanna did not disappoint, her experience of living on the land in rural Leitrim, as well as her sincere thoroughness in terms of the research she has done on history, folklore and Irish history.
Over a meal in the evening we were delighted when Alanna shared stories with us – while during the day she tailored tours where we were guided to places we had indicated were of interest to us. Impressed by her breadth of knowledge and skill in delivering this ‘immersion’ – we learned to dowse, discover places of sacred and historical significance and appreciate ‘off the beaten track’ destinations with no other tourist in sight!
We highly recommend Alanna’s tours if you have an interest in history, folklore, dowsing, or anything that her vast knowledge covers! We look forward to booking in with her again on our next trip to Ireland”.
Justine Janssen and Austin Stewart, Australia
Tour Enquiries & Bookings email –
(Photo of the Cat Cave, at Rathcroghan, Roscommon, Ireland)
* Cellphone-Free Community Forming in Nicaragua.
Arthur Firstenberg writes –
After a year and a half of planning, the twenty-first century’s first cellphone-free community is forming in Central America. Called Intentional Sanctuary Lifestyle Alternative (ISLA), it is located on 40 acres on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. It is a small part of a 2,500-acre gated real estate development called Gran Pacífica, surrounded by rolling hills and teak forest and within walking distance to miles of volcanic lava sand beach.
So far, 83 homes are planned to be built under the supervision of a Certified Building Biologist to minimise chemicals and wireless radiation. Cell phones, WiFi, wireless mice and keyboards, AirPods, smart watches, wireless printers, and all other wireless devices will be prohibited in public and private spaces throughout the property. Interest is growing, and prospective home-buyers have already invested 1/4 of the amount needed to break ground and begin building. There is space for up to 200 homes in the future. The architectural designs for the property include a salt water pool, yoga centre, and space for shared permaculture gardens.
Accommodations near the beach have been recently mitigated to be safe and comfortable (low EMF) for investors interested in visiting ISLA. As of January 1, 2024, Starlink is not allowed to operate in Nicaraguan air space.
For more information, contact Karen Rich at
* New Alanna Moore book in Italian –
‘Stone Age Farming’, published June 2024
The newly translated book is updated and with Italian relevance and resources.
See more in the review section.
* Mount Etna volcano vortex rings, a rare phenomena
Source –
Italy’s Mount Etna volcano has released volcanic vortex rings, a rare phenomenon caused by a constant release of vapours and gases. Australian National University volcanologist Ana Casas Ramos said the rings were often wrongly described as smoke.
“It is condensed water vapour,” she said. “On its own it is colourless but once it reaches the condensation level then it becomes whitish — and that’s what we are seeing. “The reason why you have this water vapour coming up and condensing so quickly and then forming these rings is because of the temperature difference.
“The water vapour is coming out very hot and then once it reaches shallow levels, like atmospheric levels, it then encounters cold air and that’s when you get this condensation.”
* EARTH ENERGIES Group Zoom Meetings
“We are a friendly group of dowsers, with an interest in earth energies, who get together on Zoom. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm until about 9pm. Usually, a members or an invited speaker will talk about some dowsing they have been doing, or give a short presentation, and the discussion flows from there.
“The success of the group has depended on the mutual respect of the participants and their willingness to keep the discussion to earth energies and closely related topics.
“We have a website that is under construction:
Eventually it will provide details of our meetings, present and past, as well as resources and links of use to all who are interested in earth energies and the like. If you would like to join us, please send your name and email address to the address below. We will put you on the circulation list so that you receive the Zoom link each month and any notes or presentations that are circulated to participants.
Contact the enthusiastic EE Zoom Team, email –
* Geopathic Stress and the International House Healers Network
House Healing is the practice of working with the subtle energy of the land, home and people who live there in order to bring about balance, harmony and wellness. There are many influences that can stress the balance of the subtle energy in a location, or within a person and house healers will work to identify those and bring them back into balance.
Imbalances can come from the earth energies present in a location. Examples are Ley-lines, underground water streams, fault lines and more. Or it could be to do with a memory that has been left in the landscape or home that is disrupting the natural flow of energy, a ghost or elemental being that is impacting the space. It could also be a past life that is showing up for a person, ancestral memory, imbalances in the auric field or chakra system etc.
Common signs of Geopathic Stress
• Not feeling refreshed or worse than previously upon waking.
• Restlessness, difficulty in getting to sleep, excessive dreaming, very heavy sleep and excessive sleep requirements.
• Cold or restless feet and legs in bed.
• Fatigue and lethargy, unexplained mood changes.
• Waking up at an odd angle in bed, perhaps on the edge of the bed.
• Children repeatedly gravitating to a particular part of the home.
• A feeling that there is something wrong with the home or part of the home that does not feel right.
• Not looking forward to going home or feeling better away from home.
• Experiencing a health issue or illness that does not respond to treatment, or becoming unwell after moving to your new home.
• Little or no motivation to achieve goals.
• Issues with abundance
About The Network
The International House Healers Network is a global community of house healers who are working to bring harmony and balance to land, homes and people. The network is open to anyone trained in the practice of house healing or other forms of land and space clearing.
Initially created by Tim Walter who is a House Healer and Alternative Life Coach and Adrian Incledon-Webber, Master Dowser, House Healer and author of Heal your Home and Heal your Home II. The Network is now run by fellow House Healers, Dawn Kirkham and Melanie Lorien.
Our aims are to:
Provide a community of practice for members to share ideas, and advance the practice of house healing.
Help members to develop their knowledge and skills.
Support members to grow their business.
Promote the professional and ethical practice of house healing.
Why Join?
Inside our community you will get access to people, activities and events designed to help you to grow professionally.
Running your own house healing business or even trying to launch one can be a lonely place.
Being part of the network connects you to a community of like minds and people who are just as passionate as you about working with the subtle energies of the land, homes and people.
Expert Speaker Series
As a member you will get access to network presentations held via zoom from an expert in one of the many aspects of house healing. New members will be able to access recordings of previous speakers.
Community of Practice
Regular opportunities to connect with network members to share ideas, challenges and questions and get support from peers.
Business Building
Sessions focused on launching and building your house healing business.
Professional Register
Members have the option to sign up to our professional house healers register on the public facing website.
Become a Network Member
The professional network is open to anyone is offering house healing services to clients in person or remotely. It is also open to anyone who offers land and space clearing.
Applying is simple:
See ‘Become a Network Member’ on our website
Find us on Facebook: Clearing your Home for Wellbeing
Feature Articles
* COMPANION PLANTING of VEGETABLES – a different approach
by David Kennet in Western Australia
Many books have been written on ‘companion planting’ that acknowledges that plants can assist the performance of certain other plants, thanks to ‘symbiosis’ and their ‘symbiotic relationships’. The same plants can have a deleterious impact on some other plants, in which case the relationship is called ‘allelopathic’.
Crop rotation, which includes fallow years, was also carried out for generations, in recognition that plants can assist each other, not just in the year in which they are being grown, but also those that follow them in subsequent years.
To capitalise upon this to reduce the input costs when growing vegetables, my research has discovered that divining enables us to determine the best layouts for vegetables being grown in gardens and horticulture over a period of years.
Once the validity of this is fully recognised, then there is no doubt in my mind that technology will be developed that will enable this to be capitalised upon on a large scale.
This is a follow up lesson for those who have already learned to divine and determine various things, even though scientists are not able to explain it.
Over time, people have discovered grid patterns in the earth’s magnetic field and the one that influences the growth of plants is ‘The Curry Grid’ which was discovered by the scientist Dr. Manfred Curry. He was not aware of it’s significance, but that has been my discovery.
Without going into unnecessary detail, it appears that vegetables like all plants are influenced by energy lines within the earth’s magnetic field, aligned Northeast to Southwest. Each vegetable grows best when the seeds are sown, or the seedlings are planted, on the appropriate energy line, with the most desirable companion plants planted as divined in adjacent rows.
Some vegetables are grown in summer, others in winter, spring or autumn. One is able to divine to determine the most appropriate time to sow seeds or plant out seedlings, which might be alongside vegetables that are already growing. It also appears that some crops are grown as monocultures and they include potatoes and rice.
The first task is to make a list of all the vegetables that you want to grow.
Having done this, in order to gain a good understanding of the subject, it is desirable to select an area where you can use chalk to draw/write on the ground such as an area of concrete or the floor in your home. In the latter case you can use some other method to mark out lines – I use sticky tape or cardboard that has been cut into 15cm x 2cm pieces on which one can write the names of the different vegetables.
Next you need to draw or mark out 7 parallel lines to represent years, about 3m long and 25cm apart, running Northwest to Southeast. I have only shown 5.
Along the length of Line 2024, you divine and name the positions of each of all the vegetables, of which there will be about 60. This is where it becomes difficult to explain, but I will do my best.
You then divine to find which vegetables should be planted in the different years and you move the markers into the appropriate rows. You will be left with a selection to plant in 2024. [Or current year if this is being read later than 2024.]
Next you need to mark out 7 plots of land aligned in the same direction. Selection 1 of vegetables is planted in Plot 1 and Selection 2 in Plot 2, then Selection 3 in Plot 3.
The following year, what was planted in Plot 1 in the first year, is planted in Plot 2, and what was planted in Plot2 is planted in Plot 3 and so on until all the plots are planted.
The plots all need to be the same size, as long as you like, to fit the area available. The width of each plot of land is determined when you have selected rows for all the vegetables, it is normally about 2.2m wide. [There are not sufficient contrasting colours to represent all the different selections of vegetables or years.] If the area of land is wide enough, you can plant the same selection again in a parallel row or another selection. It is important to mark out the plots with stakes at each corner and record the plantings so one knows what to plant in each plot in the following years.
Finally – there are many species of herbs that also have important roles to play. One can divine to determine where to include them in among the vegetables. Lavender, marigolds, rosemary, thyme, borage, basil, sage, oregano, marjoram, mint, ginger, turmeric, parsley are examples.
Feedback on this will be appreciated.
David Kennett. Email –
* Zurich Dreaming
By Alanna Moore, 2023-June 2024
The sun is warm and welcoming as I push the stroller with baby grandson up a verdant hillside through the organic dairy farm above Leimbach, a suburb in a valley on the southern fringe of Zurich in Switzerland, where the city gently intertwines with rural villages. From this height we survey the views of distant snow tipped peaks and watch cows contently grazing and chewing their cud, bringing calm to the watcher. Baby succumbs to their slow rhythms, eyelids drooping into sleep time. We head to a good rest stop, past the town water reservoir that’s hidden beneath the grass sward on the slope and down to the fountain below it. This carved granite fountain dispenses the pure waters of mountain springs into a large basin and on down through the many beautiful stone fountains of the suburban streets. The water flow is tuned off in winter, to prevent pipes from freezing, but this first fountain is always kept flowing. There’s a special atmosphere here.
Baby sleeps sweetly now and no other people disturb the tranquillity, so the opportunity to connect with nature spirits has arisen. I want to say hello to the presiding water spirit, so I tune into the devic dimensions of life. A female water spirit soon appears to me, a being as gracious as her beautiful surroundings. We exchange greetings and I enjoy her gentle energy. She is the ‘queen’ of this place, she tells me.
But then with a wham! an unexpected encounter of another kind. Another bigger spirit being has appeared and is chastising the water spirit. She appears as a frumpily dressed older woman. A grumpy one at that! Her hair is pulled back into a bun and she wears a long, tight waisted skirt and long blouse. Intriguingly she carries a big wooden spoon in her left hand. She likes to wave it around. Angrily she tells me that actually it is she who is the main spirit around here and that the other one is merely a subordinate. After admonishing the water deva briefly, she storms off up the hill, not so interested in me than in maintaining the devic status quo. I am most surprised by this brief encounter and wonder – who was that cranky being?
Later, I check out the Celtic deities of old, searching for a match. Especially the ones from the Rhinelands in Germany, not far away. Celtic tribes had spread out across the Atlantic seaboard and some of them found their way to Ireland, taking their favourite deities with them. I discovered Rosmerta, the Great Provider goddess, whose cult was established on both banks of the Rhine, also in France along the Rhône, Meuse, and Moselle rivers, and going over to Roman Britain as well. Her signature long spoon is used to stir her cauldron or bucket, that appears to be a milk churn in several depictions. Her characteristic form carved on stones being much like what I had seen clairvoyantly. It seems that I’d a met a fractal of the great Celtic goddess.
I yearned to meet this being again and enjoy a more dignified encounter. But my stay in Switzerland was coming to an end. I returned there briefly the following January. On a cold and drizzly Sunday morning I headed back up the hillside with baby in the stroller. Time was limited so I hurried towards the granite fountain. Snow lay on high ground and fingers of misty clouds probed the mountain stream gullies. We paid our respects to rabbits, alpacas and cows on the farm, then headed down the slope towards the deva station.
Rain or irrigation had made a narrow stream of water flow down the side of the path. It had the most curious ripple pattern I’d ever seen. We walked alongside it and I was transfixed by the sight of the flickering multiple pelta shaped water pattern that shimmered down the flow line, giving something like a Flow Form effect. (More on the pelta later.) It triggered me into an altered state of consciousness and I realised that I was now in deva land and within the energy field of the principal nature beings of the area. Perhaps that was their plan!
We stopped at the fountain and baby stared out over the nearby city and some of its beautiful lake before us. I turned towards the hillside and immediately saw Rosmerta, who was waiting there to greet me. Last time I only saw her back. This time she was front on. She greeted me pleasantly and told me proudly that this part of the hillside and valley was Her domain. She is a fierce defender of her territory too, she let on. A brief but lovely encounter. She even blessed me, using her big spoon like a magic wand!
Thinking back of the image she showed me of her assumed form, her clothing might be frumpy, but she exuded the sense of being a powerful, caring being, a provider and protector goddess. Classic depictions of Rosmerta never show her as a sexy goddess, as in New Age images I’ve seen online. In fact they “typically imply a woman of middle age who looks stern and vaguely pissed off,” as someone has put it. ( Her style and demeanour suggests more of a grandmotherly figure.
Rosmerta was an important goddess in northern and eastern Gaul, where carvings depict Her with consort gods Mars and Mercury, and also just by herself. In Britain she seems to have been popular in the south-west, as well as in Gloucester. Her attributes are typical for a goddess of abundance and she is depicted with the patera (offering dish), staff, ladle, sceptre, cornucopia and caduceus (when depicted with Mercury). One unique attribute of hers looks to be a dash churn bucket for making butter, a form used up to the 1700s. In a relief from Gloucester, her staff/sceptre has what has been described as a pelta shaped head. The pelta is a crescent moon-like, elliptical shaped form. Seeing it reminded me of the curious water pattern I saw and was mesmerised by – surely not a coincidence! She is also traditionally associated with springs.
I imagined Rosmerta would probably be of a lineage from Vedic India and I was happily surprised to discover that this must be so. Annapurna is a very similar goddess and I guess that Rosmerta has descended from her, evolving across the eons through her many localised, fractal forms.
Annapurna, for whom the famous Nepalese mountain is named, is the Hindu goddess of food and nourishment. A rice goddess, more specifically, her symbols include a rice ladle and bowl of rice porridge. Her festival day is the December full moon and by chanting the Annapurna Gayatri mantra, this is said to, amongst other boons, “increase the crop yield and productivity in the farms. Chanting of this mantra is like paying respect to Anna and it should be chanted before eating. Upon chanting of this mantra, your store house and kitchen will always be laden with grains and eatables.”(wikipedia)
So, an ancient provider goddess called Anna. This brings to mind the Irish goddess names – Anu, Danu and Aine, and in modern times – Annie. They too governed and protected the grain crops, as well as the sovereignty of the land. Their favour was considered essential to the very survival of the people. And Anna’s ancient continuum lives on to this day.
I imagine that an ancestor of this goddess being may well have lived on this hill farm since Neolithic times, changing her roles and costume according to the times. I felt humbled and privileged to have met this being and whenever I visit the farm I always feel blessed .
This was the case only the other day when I went back there and was meditating on a bench in a Walnut tree grove, in the domain of a friendly Pan spirit. For the first time I became aware of the presence of many large sylphs in the air above me. It was a funny sight because they had taken the form of paragliders. It’s a popular area for the human variety and they are so graceful to watch when floating over the valley, although none were out that day. The sylphs were obviously impressed by them too and were following in the fashion of the times in wanting to appear like them.
I made some small communication with these graceful sylphs and they were very friendly. I was in awe when a small group of them formed a ring above me and then span around in circles. They then sent down a shower of golden energy drops to wash over me and it was most exhilarating. Such a beautiful blessing! It inspired me to publish this story here and now.
Book Reviews:
* ‘Smartmeters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health’
242 pages. By Einar Flydal & Else Nordhagen
The book is written for the professional as well as the non-professional but interested reader. It provides a broad overview of the matter – biological, medical, technical, as well as societal and political aspects and explanations – and has a large number of references to international scientific and other literature.
Originally published in Norwegian (2021) for the general Norwegian public as well as for health service practitioners and lawyers, to provide documentation for a court case, the English version, of May 2023, is slightly generalized and updated.
You might find the book very useful if you are concerned about health impacts from the wireless radiation from smart meters as well as the impact of ‘dirty electricity’, whether from smart meters or other electronics, or engaged in court cases or other conflicts regarding such matters.
As long as not exploited for commercial gain, we are happy if you download and read the book. For sharing, we kindly ask you to refer to this web page:, which assures the version is the last updated one, instead of forwarding the file.
* Agricoltura Energetica – Beneficiare delle Energie sottili della Natura per la Fattoria ed il Giardino
by Alanna Moore ISBN: 978-0-6452854-4-4
Pubblicato da Python Press, Maggio 2024.
Questa guida unica all’agricoltura ed al giardinaggio esoterico presenta l’arte della rabdomanzia, le energie sottili nel paesaggio, l’uso di rocce energetiche e dispositivi ad energia libera con le tecniche per migliorare la crescita delle piante e la vitalità degli animali. Il libro attinge alla saggezza antica e alle moderne conoscenze scientifiche sulla capacità del magnetismo di stimolare la vita. Il lavoro di Alanna Moore con le antenne paramagnetiche, le Torri Energetiche, nel corso di due decenni ha prodotto risultati impressionanti, che vengono presentati in questa seconda edizione aggiornata.
I traduttori Andrea Donnoli e Valentina Ghione, operano nel campo dell’Elettrocultura dal 2012, hanno aggiunto alcune informazioni rilevanti su questi argomenti per i lettori Italiani. “Ritengo questo libro una pietra miliare per chi si avvicina al- l’Agricoltura Energetica Vibrazionale nei tempi moderni, Alanna è chiaramente un Pioniere da ascoltare con grande attenzione.” Andrea Donnoli, Fondatore
* Review of Alanna Moore’s ‘Fairy Haunts of Ireland’ by Melanie Lorien:
As someone that lives in Southern Ireland, although I am not a native of these isles, I was delighted to read this beautiful book. Having had many encounters with the Irish Sídhe since we moved here. It is a most relevant and fascinating read. Maybe because both Alanna and myself have come here from elsewhere, we learnt to love a place and a culture that is not our own.
The whole landscape here is alive, not only in the dowsing sense. You very soon learn that everywhere you go, the old Gods of the The Tuatha Dé Danann, or ‘The Folk of the Goddess Danu’ are ever present; not just banished below ground in mythical mounds.
Their names, stories and myths live on within the very landscape around you to this day. Learning about the Irish language and its link to the fair folk, I see their echo, their loves and losses; both in battles and in the tales. Many tell of ‘Special Places’ and still caution against upsetting The Gentry, The Other Crowd, or The Good Neighbours’.
The Sí are also immortalised in the names of loughs, hills, mountains and old fairy forts; which are scattered liberally all over this beautiful country. You even find traces of the old gods in and near the sea, in unusual rock formations or in lonely stone circle. They are gone but certainly not forgotten!
It was with great joy that I read this book and follow Alanna’s own journey through the myths and legends, tales and pishogues (old Irish superstitions and beliefs). People will swear they no longer believe in ‘The Good People’ today, but I have seen just how fragile that statement is once they are confronted by a situation that means they might offend The Tuath Dé or “tribe of the gods”. I have seen Motorways moved to avoid cutting down a White Thorn, or Fairy Tree. Or people who try and destroy their Raths, or Fairy Forts. Who then learn the hard way they are protected; deciding to leave them alone, after having one strange accident after another.
Alanna’s book is filled with her own experiences and encounters, as well as others. She has created her own relationships with these unseen residents of the Otherworld. We had to do the very same where we live, so I loved reading how this was achieved and how rewarding it was to build a co-creative relationship with her local landscape; and all the subtle beings we share it with.
Alanna’s sensitivity shines through. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience, gained over 40 years in many different countries, landscapes and cultures. I particularly loved that she mentioned the lesser known and far older deities that still echo throughout this land. I have always loved the storied of Crom Dubh, The Dark Stooped One. An agricultural god who spent the winter months underground, yet in Summer, Áine and Crom were to be found in the corn field; celebrating the ‘First Fruits’.
Also the wonderful Cailleach, a very ancient creator goddess. As Alanna says, she is ‘the wise and powerful old woman of folk tales’. Transformed into a Witch by medieval spin doctor’s. Lastly, Brigid, who was recently honoured with her own Bank Holiday over here. The public response has been incredible and also highly creative. Transforming into a powerful revitalisation of her almost lost traditions and customs; many of which have blossomed into highly imaginative projects country-wide!
Alanna takes you on a virtual tour of Ireland’s most magical places; known and unknown. County by County this books explores Sun goddesses and sacred cows, mountain gods and heroes alike. It is a treasure trove of fascinating places, stories and personal encounters. If you really want to explore Ireland, this book will lead you to places rarely visited by the average tourists. Instead it takes you into liminal spaces. Where if you leave an suitable offering and show proper respect; you too may encounter the magical aes sídhe.
M. Lorien, County Clare
Geomantica Events Coming Up
Alanna Moore’s workshops and talks in Europe + Australia in 2024 –
* Germany
Weekend workshop in Thuringia, August 24-25th:
Intuitive Permakultur & feinstoffliche Wesen – Praxisseminar
– this weekend is now booked out.
* Switzerland
Alanna Moore gives a presentation at a festival held August 31- September 1st.
See –
Info & bookings –
* Great Britain
September 7-8th Weekend workshop with Alanna Moore
Norwich area
Venue – ‘Round the Woods’, NR95JL
12/8/24 update:
Places are nearly full, so be quick to book –
Accomodation enquiries – Kate Symonds phone 01603 870 394, email –
website –
* Australia
**Saturday 9th November – Katoomba, Blue Mountains, NSW
40th anniversary of the Dowers Society of NSW, that Alanna Moore was a co-founder of.
Website address for both events:
**Sunday 10th Nov. – one day workshop with Alanna Moore in Katoomba.
** Wednesday Nov. 13th, 1pm
– talk at the Blavatsky Lodge for the Theosophical Society, Sydney
info –
** 16-17th Nov. – weekend workshop at Callala Bay, near Nowra NSW
– Bookings:
** Wednesday Nov. 20th – one day workshop at Bemboka, NSW
** 23-24th Nov. 2024 Towamba, NSW – weekend workshop
– Bookings: Leo phone 0402503642 email
** Friday Nov. 29th, 12.30pm
– lunchtime book launch with Alanna Moore at the Theosophical Society, Melbourne.
** Saturday 30th Nov. 1.30 – 3.30pm
– Alanna Moore’s presentation at the Theosophical Society, Melbourne.
** Sunday December 1st
– one day workshop at the Magpie Centre, Upwey, Melbourne.
Bookings: George Neo –
**Wednesday Dec. 4th
– one day workshop at Frankston, Melbourne.
Bookings – Phone 040 281 7701
** Dec. 7-8th
– weekend workshop at Coles Bay, Tasmania
Bookings – Jane
** Dec. 14-15th
- weekend workshop at Alma, central Victoria
- Bookings –