Geomanticas No.s 26 – 30


  • AUD: $12.30

Issues 26 – 30 (69 A4 pages): 2004 to 2005


Contents of Geomantica 26
Summer Solstice, December 2004

Page 2 Editorial
Letter to the editor – Agnihotra: what is Homa? and plans to take it to New Zealand.
Page 3 Book & Film News – Divining Earth Spirit by Alanna Moore, is now available in some bookstores. New Film! – Grassroots Solutions to Soil Salinity.
Page 3 In the News:
Saving Lalgambook Update – People power had stopped the mobile phone tower from going up on on a sacred mountain top…but Telstra appeals the decision.
Page 4 Help for Kids in geopathic zones – free map dowsing offer
Page 4 Solutions to salinity & acidity?
Page 5 Electromagnetic Radiation News – Phones & brain tumours.
Reducing electrical sensitivity. DNA damage.
Page 5 Paradise Dam Update – Is Paradise Lost? Maureen Brannan.
Page 6 Blowing Away the Seven Sisters Dreaming and Wild Dog Dreaming – The dust flies, the wind blows but will the power of the Dreaming go to the dogs?

Feature Articles
Page 6 Earth Radiation – Another Perspective – Susan Wilson gives her view through wholistic healing eyes.

Page 7 Dreaming the Dance – Part Two. Exploring dreams with Steven Hawkins

Page 9 The Vision and Legacy of Geoffrey Hodson – Susan Wilson tells us of a man devoted to showing us real beauty as he saw it, in the other-dimensional worlds of the devic kingdoms that he could see so clearly.
Page 10 Earth Rites – Solace gives us a ‘rite’ way to energise a garden, involving the placement of stones.

Page 12 Book Reviews: The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades: Stories From Around the World by Munya Andrews. Divining Earth Spirit – Alanna Moore’s new book is reviewed by Susan Wilson.
Page 12 What’s On? Geomantica’s workshop programmes in – Victoria: Feb 2005, Gold Coast, Qld: March 2005, New Zealand: April/May 2005, South Australia: April 2005.
Page 13 Advertisement – Radionics Supplies available from Wynelle Delaney.

Contents of Geomantica 27
Autumn Equinox, March 2005

Page 15 Editorial – the yin and yang of water; the passing of George Williams, founder of the Dowsers Society of Victoria..
Page 15 Letters – from Frank Moody; positive experience of radionics.
Page 16 More Letters – Deva of Mt Barker, SA; More about WISALTS.
Page 16 Geomantica Film News – Four more news films, in the Earth Care, Earth Repair and Geomancy Today series.
Page 17 Soil Salinity News – Lots of government inaction happening.
Page 17 Electromagnetic Radiation News – mobile phone hazards and phone masts causing ‘microwave sickness’.

Feature Articles
Page 18 Grassroots Solutions to Soil Salinity by Alanna Moore. The story of farmer Harry Whittington, who, 50 years ago, devised a way to lick the problem of soil salinity. Farms returned from wasteland – to paradise with interceptor banks sited with dowsing. A water scientist, Rob Gourlay, updates us on the value of the WISALTS system.
Page 24 Tsunami – a symbolic act of nature? by Susan Wilson
Page 25 Mobile Phones – The Price of Connectivity by Lyn MacLean
Page 27 Sphinx -The Fractal of Earth’s Development by Sergei Skryrabin. Why are there so many correspondences in shapes on our planet and beyond? Terrestial zodiacs?

Page 31 Book Reviews – Divining Earth Spirit is reviewed by Pagan Times and Insight magazine, and the Natural Resonance Study Group. Planetary Patterns by American dowser Robert A Dahse, reviewed.
Page 31 What’s On? – Geomantica’s workshop programmes in: Victoria – March/April; Gold Coast, Qld – March; Auckland, N.Z. – April/May;Adelaide, S. A. – April.


Contents of Geomantica 28
Winter Solstice, June 2005

Page 33 Editorial – Save your local sacred mountain!
Page 34 Letters to the editor – On dowsing and beef farming; Agnihotra and rain, one from Frank Moody (102 years young!) and a call for co-ordinated scientific research into dowsing.
Page 35 Book News: New book out on stone circles and what’s the latest with Divining Earth Spirit and Stone Age Farming. New Films – in the Geomancy Today series now available: Megalithomania and Divining Earth Harmony.
Page 36 New Products for Your Sacred Garden – Geomantica has caught Stone Circle Fever and you can too! And a modern Australian Green Man puts in his face too!
Page 36 New Zealand’s Own ‘Stonehenge‘ ( – it’s made of cement)
Page 37 Stray Voltage Threat from Wind Farms – cows being cooked on the hoof.

Page 37 Feature Articles
Four articles by Miroslav Provod – A researcher in the Czech Republic, Provod explains about his studies of little explored energies generated in nature and from the shape and mass of ancient megalithic and monumental structures, as well as at gravity anomalies; then ponders on the ‘unknown’ energy receptors in animals and people.
Page 40 Warrah Farm’s Sacred Stones Garden – An inspiring story by Elizabeth Hamilton.
Page 42 Saving Lalgambook – Again!! Alanna Moore reports on the latest in the saga to stop a mobile phone tower on a sacred hilltop in central Victoria, including having the geomancer’s perspective heard in court… And 8 weeks later the historic verdict creates an important precedent in a time when the push is on for mobile phone towers to proliferate in the sacred landscapes of rural Australia.

Page 43 Book Reviews: Divining Earth Spirit – reviewed by Don McLeod of South Australia’s Pagan Alliance and by John Billingsley of Northern Earth (UK).
Page 45 Secrets of the Stones by John Michell, 1989, reviewed by Alanna Moore. From astroarcheology to Alfred Watkin’s ley lines.
Page 45 What’s On? Events in Australia: NT – August, NSW – Sept/Oct, Victoria – October/November.

Contents of Geomantica 29
Spring Equinox, 2005

Page 47 Editorial – disasters everywhere. Letters – Praise and query; Lyn Maclean new website; Television towers in paradise.
Page 48 Letter: Dealing with the garden devas in Canada.

Page 48 Book News: Stone Age Farming finally re-printed. Other News:
New Govt Soil Salinity Report – Rob Gourlay slams “another waste of taxpayers money”.
Page 49 WA Ripe for it’s Own Dowsing Society – Natural Resonance Study Group convenor Tony Henshaw wants to find potential participants.

Feature Articles
Page 50 More on Menhirs by Miroslav Provod – Studies of little explored energies generated from the shape and mass of ancient megalithic and monumental structures.

Page 51 The Spiritual Side of Organic Gardening by David Baird of Dunedin, New Zealand, who primes us for some springtime eco-spiritual gardening. Photos of David Baird and the Dunedin Lodge of the Theosophical Society.

Page 53 Wilderness, Social Justice and ‘Ownership’. – Conservationist Haydn Washington’s essay, reproduced from the NSW National Parks Journal.

Page 56 Book & Film Reviews: Divining Earth Spirit Alanna Moore’s recent book is reviewed by Gill Hale of the UK Feng Shui Society and Gerry Shepherd, of Vitality magazine, Canada. The Magic of Menhirs and Circles of Stone & Megalithomania film. Alanna Moore’s recent new book and film is reviewed by Don McLeod, in Silver Wheel, organ of the Pagan Alliance, South Australia.
Page 57 Pilgrimage to Central Australia, Alanna Moore’s recent new film is reviewed by Angela Krone for the Pagan Times. The Mysteries of Migration, edited by Dr Robin Baker, 1980, reviewed by Alanna Moore. Recognising the magnetic sensitivity of life forms.
Page 58 What’s On? Alanna Moore’s upcoming workshops for 2005.

Contents of Geomantica 30
Summer Solstice, December 2005

Page 60 Editorial – Hottest year in Australia on record!
Letters: Thanks!; Radionics whizz Wynelle Delaney on nano-bacteria;

Page 61 In the News: Aboriginal heritage to be strengthened in Victoria.
Alternative Look at the Water Crisis – Alanna interviews Tim Strachan & Rob Gourlay.
Page 62 – News about Power Towers: in the media and feedback from a lush vinyard.

Page 63 Feature Articles:
Coogee Beach – Sacred Landscape Temple – Alanna Moore and Billy Arnold describe developments at Sydney’s newest sacred site – ‘Our Lady of the Fence Posts’.

Page 65 Greetings from Mars – Sergei Skryabin continues on from his musings about Earth’s fractals (in Geomantica 27).

Page 66 Geopathic Stress – A Simple Solution – Laurie Adamson writes of his dowsing discoveries.

Page 66 Book & Film Reviews by Alanna Moore: Mutant Message Downunder – A FAKE. Some people still don’t realise that this book, purporting to be about Aboriginal culture, is actually just (not even good) fiction.
Page 67 Twenty Thirst Century by John Archer. Sobering reading about the water crisis in Australia, with practical suggestions. Time After Time – A mesmerisng film made by musicians Mairead Sullivan and Ben Kettlewell, on the Irish and indigenous cultures of Australia and America, and the faery realms.
Page 68 Agnihotra – A film produced by the Homa Therapy Association of Australia, this new film is packed with info.
Page 69 What’s On? Events in Australia & Beyond 2005-6.


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