Geomanticas No.s 41 – 45


  • AUD: $12.44

Issues 41 – 45 (66 A4 pages): 2009 to 2010


Contents of Geomantica 41
February 2009

Page 2 Editorial – Excited about permaculture!
Letters – Geobiology; bees and energies; Slovenian gathering.
News: Tom Graves – dowsing books available on-line. Where to find a free download of the classic Needles of Stone, and other titles. (The original cover painting from Needles, by Paul Deveraux, of Pan playing his pipes at Stonehenge, sits in the Geomantica office.)
Page 3 Geomantica YouTube Films a Hit! Permaculture Pioneers is our latest upload for free viewing, see Bill Mollison and David Homgren in their gardens, in an extract from the half hour Geomantica film Eco-Gardeners Down Under. Two New Geomantica Films – State of Pilgrimage film series visits the sacred dimensions of Bali and South Australia.

Feature Articles:
Page 4 Serpent Mounds by Miroslav Provod – These are clay mounds of meandering curves that have curious but predictable energetic aspects, as discovered by Czech researcher Provod.

Page 5 Permaculture Comes into It’s Own, by Alanna Moore – What is permaculture design for productive, sustainable landscapes? What about drylands? Alanna has been permaculture farming for 9 years in the dry Goldfields region of central Victoria and has developed a new training course to share insights and techniques.

Page 7 Static Electricity by Miroslav Provod. Static is found in many buildings and can affect people’s health. A simple experiment to see how wind can transfer energy to rocks. Affects on balanced rocks and the Gulf Stream.

Page 9 Eureka! Radiation Control with P.E.T by Laurie Adamson. Adventures with divining. The application of dowsing for salinity control on farms in Western Australia. Use of the ‘Rare Earth Divining Rod’. Discharging noxious energies with copper wire and also PET plastic. Lead contamination in Esperance.

Page 13 Book Reviews by Alanna Moore:
We Want Real Food by Graham Harvey. Why it’s best to grow your own food. Emphasis on using rock dusts for minerals. The Real World of Fairies – a first person account by Dora Van Gelder, a clairvoyant Theosophist. A charming book!

Contents of Geomantica 42
April 2009

Page 15 Editorial – Heading for greener shores.
Letter – Victorian dowsers new website.
Page 15 In the News: Cows and deer and magnetic susceptibility.
Page 15 Planet Saver Tip:
Discover how “Wee will fertilise!” in Alanna Moore’s latest You Tube film

Feature Articles:
Page 16 Back to the Goddesss – a geomantic quest in Greece with Bogdan Nowakowski. At geo-mythic centres, such as Delphi, Bogdan is able to tap into other dimensions, meet presiding deities and gain geomantic insights.

Page 19 Golan Heights – landscape insights from Miroslav Provod.
Rich with underground springs and with much static electricity present there, it is an area also rich with megalithic structures such as stone circles.

Page 20 Static Electricity versus Ether – more energy insights from Miroslav Provod. Could the ancient megaliths have been built with energetic charge in mind? Provod thinks so. He has been researching “non-physical phenomena” for 45 years.

Page 21 Book & Film Reviews – Meeting the Other Crowd – the fairy stories of hidden Ireland by Eddie Lenihan. Water Spirits of the World – Alanna Moore’s 2008 book reviewed by Martha Heeren for the Dowsers Society of NSW.
Page 22 Thirst for Ireland & Saving Tara Alanna Moore’s films reviewed by Angie Lyndon for the Natural Resonance Study Group.
Page 22 What’s On in 2009? A multitude of Geomantica events in: Victoria, New South Wales, Malaysia & Taiwan, UK, Ireland, Western Australia and SE Queensland. Descriptions of some courses that were held.

Contents of Geomantica 43
November 2009

Page 28 Editorial – Wind turbine syndrome; workshop feedback.
Page 28 News – Sensitive Permaculture – cultivating the way of the sacred Earth is Alanna Moore’s latest book, out now!
Page 30 In the News – Organic guru Maarten Stapper on TV – Link to program.
Eco-farmer Bob Cannard – Link to article.
Page 30 Vale: John Michell – Junitta Vallak remembers him fondly. Fountain Groups for commuity healing, a movement begun in the UK in the 1980’s.

Feature Articles
Page 31 Back to the Beginnings – Bogdan Nowakowski pilgrimages to Greece, delving geo-mythic landscapes and spiritual reality at sacred sites there. Epic journey of multi-dimensional discovery.

Page 34 Eureka Notes by Laurie Adamson – Laurie’s update looks at brain tumours and mobile phones; a method of protection from radiation he has found using PET plastic, and more.

Page 35 Transtheism – Sergei Skryrabin discovers a new religious paradigm.

Page 36 Mysteries of the Megaliths – Miroslav Provod discusses more on megaliths and their energies, such as the myserious towers of Sardinia.

Page 37 Book & Film Reviews
Hand of History…Touchstone of Truth – Reviewer Alanna Moore discovers Irish pseudo-history in this fascinating book.
Three Reviews of Water Spirits of the World by Alanna Moore, 2008.
Emu Dreaming – an introduction to Australian Aboriginal Astronomy – an important new book.

Page 39 Photo of Alanna’s students Water Deva Dowsing.

Contents of Geomantica 44
January 2010

Page 41 Editorial – Permaculture design to prepare for climatic extremes!
Page 41 Letters – Reader response to Water Spirits of the World
Environmental gains with forestry and dowsing, from David Kennett.
Page 42 News: Sensitive Permaculture available in Europe & North America, online.
NEW! Vastu Shastra course with Anthony Ashworth.
Page 43 NEW! Natural Building courses
Earth Spirit Action – new film by John Seed &the Rainforest Information Centre.
Page 44 Radiation and Climate – role of the Sun and a coming mini Ice Age?
Page 45 Sacred site under threat in WA – the Ancestral Guardian Owl Stone (cover pic) near Perth and another registered sacred site at Susannah Brook in danger.

Feature articles:
Page 46 Back to the Giants – the Hunter at Cerne Abbas by Bogdan Nowakowski, Sweden. That iconic, gigantic figure of masculine fecundity carved into the chalk bedrock of an English hillside is analysed by remote vision.

Page 48 Energy Vortices by Madis Senner. These powerhouses of nature can be worked with and created. Whirlpools, thoughtforms, Geographic Samskaras & more.

Page 51 The Energetic Charge of the Human Body by Miroslav Provod. Our energetic bodies are influenced by static electricity and the energetic emissions from megalithic structures.

Page 52 Book Reviews Keeping the Wandjinas Fresh – in the Kimberleys, n-w Australia, where Aboriginal culture continues today.
Angelology – a Guide to the Angelic Realms, Devic and Nature Spirit Realms, by Junitta Vallak.

Contents of Geomantica 45
March 2010

Page 55 Editorial – Eco-energy & building courses on the menu. Website is 10 yrs old!
Page 55 News: Another Geomantica Film up at YouTube: Guerillas Planting
Windfarm Woes and Micro Turbine Wows! – Windfarm syndrome is getting so bad that it’s surfaced into the mainstream media, Meanwhile Geomantica is promoting a true alternative: backyard, d-i-y inexpensive wind turbines, with training workshops!
Page 56 Vale – Hamish Miller – geomancer & author from Cornwall, UK.
Problems with Phone Masts & Dealing with Them – important information from UK’s Mast Sanity group. Health problems from living within 400m from transmission masts.

Feature Articles:
Page 58 Vastu Shastra – Anthony Ashworth explains this sacred art of placement, the origin of feng shui, and we are pleased to offer his Vastu workshop in April.

Page 60 The Joy of Sensitive Living – Alanna Moore muses on the gentle life of the sensitive soul. (Expect to grow giant cabbages!)

Page 61 Back to Stone Circles – Bogdan Nowakowski serves up his last geomantic dish, another delight! This time he looks at Lough Gur, Ireland, mythic centre of creation and the agricultural mysteries, home of the ancient corn gods and goddesses.

Page 64 Book Reviews: The Wayfinders – Wade Davis’s lyric look at ancient indigenous wisdom around the world. A classic! Blue Mountains Dreaming – Alanna Moore’s review also adds extra insights into the profound spiritual significance of this beautiful, rugged area, from 3 years spent living there in the 1980’s and befriending an Aboriginal man who was asked by his people to renew the Blue Mountains Dreaming.
Page 66 Sensitive Permaculture – Enthusiastic feedback for Alanna’s latest book.

Geomantica Events were held in Malaysia, Ireland, England, Wales and Australia, including presenting at the British Society of Dowsers annual conference, for RILKO -Research into Lost Knowledge Organisation- in London and at the 10th Australian Permaculture Convergence, near Cairns, in September 2010.)


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