Contents of Geomantica 21
Spring Equinox, September 2003
Page 2 Editorial
Page 2 In the News: Frank Moody – North Qld geomancer turns 100!
New Geomantica film series – Earth Care, Earth Repair. Out soon!
Page 3 Solstice celebrated at Stonehenge again, at last! Water Healing Day.
Page 17 Gathering at Gariwerd – 2000 people attended this recent event held at The Grampians, Victoria, being mostly indigenous elders from around Australia and the planet, Junitta Vallak reports.
Feature Articles:
Page 5 Evidence our Sun may be part of a Binary Star System – An inquiry into the Precession of the Equinoxes. Could our Sun have a partner?
A scientific paper.
Page 8 Miracles at Yankalilla by Alanna Moore – At the Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla in South Australia dowsers have found strong Earth energies at this church, located on top of an old Aboriginal sacred site, that became a focus for pilgrimage over several years.
Page 10 Geopathic Stress by Kevin Heitman – Kevin is a master dowser, clairvoyant wheat farmer in Western Australia, he shares some fascinating insights into Earth energies and dowsing.
Page 12 New Zealand Dairy Farm Goes Radionic by Alanna Moore.
Using radionic coils, such as on the cover photo, a farm is made more productive.
Page 15 Obituary – Phillip Simpfendorfer – A tribute to Australia’s first white geomancer, including some background of his involvement with the Renewing of the Dreaming movement, by Steven Guth.
Page 16 Obituary – Dr Neil Cherry – anti-EMR champion from New Zealand.
Page 16 Book Review: Practising the Witch’s Craft – under southern skies – a last, a southern hemisphere approach!
Page 17 What’s Good on the Internet?
Page 17 What’s On: Geomantica’s upcoming workshops with Alanna Moore – in Victoria, New SouthWales, Queensland, Holland, England, Ireland, Tasmania, New Zealand.
Contents of Geomantica 22
Summer Solstice, December 2003
Page 19 Editorial – in a continuing drought inc. a tip for keeping bushfires away.
Page 19 Letters – Songlines/Save Paradise! A wild river in Queensland is threatened with damming that would cut through important songlines of the Bunya Festival.
In the News:
Page 20 Electro-magnetic Radiation Update.
Page 20 Austrian Druids do highway Earth acupuncture and save lives at accident sites! Healing Sick Houses- an evaluation of remote site dowsing and harmonising.
Page 21 Dowser saves Moscow street trees affected by geopathic stress.
Page 21 Irish Water – a dry well that responds to human intentions.
Page 21 Crop Circles – Moving lights seen around forming crop circles.
Feature Articles:
Page 22 Radionics & Field Broadcasters by James Hedley – a biodynamic farmer and one of Australia’s leading lights on the subject. His thoughts on consciousness and energy, Steiner on Radionics, ethics and morality, and more.
Page 24 The Giants Dance – part 4. Calendrical functions of Stonehenge, Newgrange and the Tarot cards, as originally intuited by Steve Hawkins.
Page 27 Celestial ‘Harmonic Concordance’ & Laya Yoga – Billy Arnold – Billy discusses the esoteric astrology of a supposedly important upcoming celestial event and describes the dance-like sequences performed in Laya Yoga to cultivate inner vision.
Page 30 Dowsing the Spirit of Place – Alanna Moore writes on the work of a modern geomancer, looks at subjects from geomythology to wounded dragons, and suggests what can be done to help harmonise the land.
Page 31 Book Reviews – Earth Radiation – Kathe Bachle’s classic study of geobiology in homes and school rooms. Chernobyl Kids Cured! – homoeopathic radioactive remedies from stones.
Contents of Geomantica 23
Autumn Equinox, March 2004
Page 34 Editorial – excited to announce new Geomantica films.
Page 34 Letters: Radionics Helping the Land – when a sacred site is threatened. Rock dust helps sleep.
Page 36 In the News:
New films by Alanna Moore: Glastonbell Dreaming – about Australia’s first white geomancer Philip Simpfendorfer. Remineralising the Soil. Making Power Towers. Radionic Farming & Landcare in Australasia. You read the stories first in Geomantica, now see the people and places on film.
Page 37 News about EMR – the problems of ‘microwave sickness’ and how people are combatting it in various parts of the world.
Feature Articles:
Page 38 Resurgence of the Green Man by Alanna Moore – An image seen on Gothic building facades going back to the Renaissance (an example on the cover) becomes a symbol of re-connection to the Earth and the divine masculine principle in nature.
Page 40 Once there were Rivers by Alanna Moore – The Waitaki River in New Zealand is threatened by more damming. Alanna Moore investigates the energetic side of it.
Page 42 Energy Harmonising at a School by Alanna Moore – A teacher tackles non-achievement and disharmony at her work place by geomantic means. The outcomes are significant.
Page 43 Cleaning Up the Soil by Alanna Moore – Dowser Hugh Fraser takes on toxic soil residues and has developed his own method of land balancing using glass plates fixed with intentions. His energised water has also boosted a farms productivity. Alanna Moore reports from New Zealand.
Page 44 Book Reviews – Reclaiming the Gods, by Nicholas Mann. More on the Green Man.
Page 45 Book Reviews – Explore Green Men – and more again! The Faery Faith and Stukely Illustrated.
Contents of Geomantica 24
Winter Solstice, June 2004
Page 47 Editorial – Having brought a water spirit back from New Zealand to help out, the rains return to central Victoria.
Letters – Sacred land protected! – a pagan Kiwi sways the powers-that-be. Power Tower feedback – applying dowsing in his backyard brings benefits.
Page 48 EMR News – Studies show risks of genetic damge, Alzheimers, and increased chick embryo mortality, where 75% died from mobile phone exposure!
Feature Articles:
Page 49 Deva Dowsing by Alanna Moore – From the legacy of T C Lethbridge (a dowser and antiquarian) to Sheldrake’s scientific theory of morphogenetic fields, Alanna explains who/what the devas are according to modern psychic research and gives tips on communication with them. It seems that the time has come for the return of the fairies!
Page 51 Runes by Steve Hawkins. Another intriguing look at ancient European cultural heritage of the Runes with its divinatory function and visionary origins.
Page 52 Earth Radiations & Health – Alanna Moore gives an introduction to the problems of ‘Earth Rays’, what indications there may be and how to deal with geopathic zones that can cause irritation and disease.
Page 53 Book Reviews by Alanna Moore – Dowsing Manual, Harald Tietze’s new edition of his 1983 book. Your First Steps to Feng Shui, by Roseline Deleu.
Page 54 Book Review: In the Tracks of a Rainbow, by Robin A Welles. Aboriginal Dreamtime dimensions of Queenland’s Sunshine Coast, including songlines, bora grounds and the geomythology of features such as the Glasshouse Mountains.
Contents of Geomantica 25
Spring Equinox, September 2004
Page 56 Editorial. News – Alanna Moore’s new book finally published:
Divining Earth Spirit, 2nd edition. Backyard Poultry – Natually, has returned to Python Press. And Stone Age Farming is now in Chinese (Taiwan publisher)!
Page 57 Auschwitz Cleansing – Agnihotra fire ceremony helps a powerful spirit release at a notorious concentration camp.
Page 58 Russian scientists find UFO fragments at Tunguska. Is the 40 megaton explosion over Siberia in 1908, one of the greatest of modern mysteries, solved?
Feature Articles
Page 59 Saving Lalgambook, Alanna Moore reports – People power stops a phone tower from being put on top of a sacred mountain.
Page 61 Rain Magic by Alanna Moore – From Chinese water dragons, to traditions in India, Europe and Australasia, including Aboriginal rain songs and rain dreaming, and Maori magic.
Page 64 Dreaming the Dance – Part One – Exploring dreams with Steven Hawkins. How he dreamed esoteric insights such as his understandings of the calendrical functions of the Tarot.
Page 66 Book Reviews – The Sacred Place Paul Deveraux’s coffee table book. Technology’s Curse – Precautionary living and tasty dietary tips for the nuclear age. Energy Secrets of Glastonbury Tor – Nicholas R Mann’s indepth study.
Page 67 What’s On? Geomantica’s workshop programmes in – Western Australia: September; NSW & Qld: October Victoria: Oct-November; New Zealand: February 2005.
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