Wild in our Gardens CD


  • AUD: $23.25

Wild in our Gardens
Original songs by Alanna Moore

Category: Tag:

2017, CD only

Take a sacred journey, filled with love, flora and fauna, the fun of gardening and natural living. Feel the pull of the full moon, the swell of ocean waves, the joy of the harvest and a new day dawning. Re-connect your DNA with the roots of spirituality, join in celebrating a world divine.

These are songs that honour the land and life, with a spirit of joy and caring. They sensitise us to the beauty that surrounds us and to nature’s awesome powers and cycles. They nourish our inner gardens.

Like whole food for the soul, the lyrics are guaranteed free from cruelty, misery, angst and suffering. Affirming of our deepest essence – of the joyful human spirit at peace with the world – they are most uplifting when sung with others.

Alanna Moore wrote these songs in Australia and Ireland between 2007 – 2017, she sings the main vocal parts and plays keyboard, along with a host of other Leitrim musicians.

Hear the signature song Wild in our Gardens, set to a wild Irish landscape video, at YouTube HERE

Price: $AUD20 €13.50 $US15 £12

The Songs

– Still Water
– Water Ways
– Singing to the Land
– Just a Beautiful Day
– Wild in our Gardens
– Golden Harvest
– Pocahontas
– Full Moon Rising
– Our Blessings

Praise for Wild in our Gardens:

“Very soothing … words very inspiring and bring a breeze of peace!” – Martine Negro, president NSW Dowsers Society, Sydney.

“Uplifting when combined with the soul stirring original music provided by local Leitrim musicians … ‘Our Blessings’ is the song guaranteed to reach into your soul and pluck at its heart strings.” – Suzy Keys, Green Connections, Australia.

“Wonderful album” – J., Switzerland.

See a short film with excerpts of the songs, here at this link – Youtube.com/watch?v=sTFCR0HO8Tk


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