Geomanticas No.s 16 – 20


  • AUD: $12.87

Issues 16 – 20 (70 A4 pages):


Contents of Geomantica 16
Winter Solstice June 2002

Page 2 In the News: Higher levels of radio frequency radiation exposure are now allowed under new guidelines for Australia; electrical sub-station disallowed in Brisbane because of health fears; Purple Plates maker is prosecuted.
Page 3 Letters: On Ley Line Cosmology, and Cloudbusters.
Page 3 Interesting Websites

Feature Articles:
Page 4 Robert Martin on Radionic Farming and Water Research – An interview by Alanna Moore in North Queensland at Northern Lights Farm, where Robert has farmed organically for over 20 years and experimented with radionic agricultural devices and researched energised water.

Page 5 Crop Circles, by Steven Guth – Steven muses that crop circles might be, partly at least, “manifestations of gnomic energies” that are signalling for our attention.

Page 8 Maps of the Dreaming, by Billy Arnold (pictured on the cover) – Billy has been investigating Aboriginal cultural paradigms in central Australia. His clairvoyant observations of sacred sites has been very revealing. Using techniques of Laya Yoga to merge with a place, Billy also studied the works of Strehlow, who recorded several songlines, as well as connecting with traditional Aboriginal owners of sites. He tells of visiting a Carpet Snake Dreaming site near Alice Springs, along with Alanna Moore and another friend, where all 3 sensed the presence of the huge deva stationed in the range.

Page 12 Bad Tower Day, by Billy Arnold – Astrology has helped to explain why at a recent workshop things went awry. Timing is important, it turns out. A horoscope of the day tells it all!

Page 13 An Earth Mystery in New Zealand by Alanna Moore – Visionary ability and dowsing is employed in New Zealand at an Earth mystery known as the Kaimanawa Wall. Is this intriguing site a man made monument from way back or is it just natural geometric forces at work?

Page 14 Book Review: Water & Mineral Divining by Andy Lehman, Qld. A fascinating story of 70 years of dowsing experiences of an old ‘bushie’. He even won the Sceptics ‘Challenge’ but was refused acknowledgement!
Film Review: Dowsers Down Under, by Nexus magazine and the Natural Resonance Study Group.

Contents of Geomantica 17
Spring Equinox September 2002

Page 17 Letters – query about Serpents Glen in Western Australia.
Page 17 In the News: Masaru Emoto Visit to Australia – At last someone has developed a method to show us the magic of water, via greatly magnified water crystal photos.

Page 19 Geomancer Frank Moody @ 99 – Frank has clocked up 87 years of dowsing!; how he gets rod of possums using Colour Therapy and other Radionic adventures. Rock Eating Microbes; Rock Dust evaluation.

Feature Articles:
Page 20 Complex Systems Science in Food Production by Dr Maarten Stapper of the CSIRO. Maarten embraces alternative growing methods that include ‘energy farming’ – radionics, Power Towers etc.

Page 23 The Origin of the Tarot – the Giant’s Dance, part 2, by Steve Hawkins. Fascinating connections between Stonehenge (once called the Giant’s Dance) Celtic mythology, metrology and the origins of calendars.

Page 26 Tropical Dairy goes Biodynamic by Alanna Moore. High in the Atherton Tablelands south west of Cairns, Mungalli Dairy is forging new ways from old as they pioneer biodynamic farming in the very wet tropics.

Contents of Geomantica 18
Summer Solstice, December 2002

Page 30 Editorial – from the drylands of drought stricken Victoria.
Page 30 In the News: River Monster Stops Earthworks
in New Zealand – Threatening the home of a water spirit well known to Maori people, a modern highway clashes with sacred heritage.
Page 31 The Hindmarsh Island Bridge Debacle and the campaign for justice for Narandjiri people and their culture in South Australia.
Page 33 Changes in Soil & Plants in Crop Circles – scientific investigations reveal intriguing effects. Problems from Schumann Resonance – Dr Neil Cherry. All Hail The Naked Dancing Rain Women! – an outback fair is to feature a rainmaking ceremony. Organics – a Growth Industry. Genetically Modified Organism Benefits – a Myth. Fertiliser Threat to Farmlands – soil acidity a greater problem than salinity. Rain Songs Break Drought – Richard O’Neill.
Page 34 Letters: Lightworkers and Nuclear Disarmament – peace visualisations. Tasmanian Dowser – looking for other health dowsers.

Feature Articles:
Page 35 Just Another Day, by Frank Moody, who discusses his radionic Moody & East West Coils & other Radionic devices / methods.

Page 36 Esoteric Agriculture – an Introduction, by Alanna Moore. – Towards an eco-spiritual permaculture, where we can be cultivating beneficial ch’i energy, with knowledge of geobiology, devas, dowsing and building biology etc.

Page 38 Kiwis and Coils – by Alanna Moore. A New Zealand kiwifruit farm goes organic, then takes on radionic farming too.

Page 41 Bill Jackson – Master Dowser – Obituary ad article: ‘Are You Sleeping in a Safe Place’? – his thoughts on neutralising geopathic stress and fixing water pipes that are causing stray voltage problems from electrical systems.

Page 41 Review – Watts the Buzz? Lyn McLean’s new book on electro-magnetic hazards in Australia.
Page 42 Interesting Websites – links sent in by readers.
Page 42 What’s On? – NEW! Deva Dowsing & other workshops coming up all around Australia and in England and Ireland in August 2003.

Contents of Geomantica 19
Autumn Equinox March 2003

Page 44 Editorial – from Australian Aboriginal Rain Dreaming (cover photo) to rain making in the modern day.
Page 44 In the News: Ancestral Aboriginal calendars with many seasons are heralded by changes in nature are these are now being chronicled by the Bureau of Meteorology.
Page 42 Letters – Cloudbusting, 56 year Cycles and financial crises, Rainmaking, Australian Taniwha?, Dowsing in Portugal, Art and Geomancy. A follow-up to the Glowing Cross of Lismore story, now there’s a website devoted to this mystery in northern NSW.

Feature Articles:
Page 45 Rainmaking, Cloudbusting & Energy Balancing by Tim Strachan. Sydney geomancer Tim has enjoyed improved rainfall using a device based on Don Croft’s design and upgraded.

Page 47 The Meter Man – an Interview with life long farmer and organic consultant David von Pein in the Darling Downs area of Queenland, including his experiences with Cosmic Pipes and his expertise with the Brix meter. (First published in Acres USA.)

Page 50 Casurina: The End of a Geomantic Era, by Junitta Vallak and Billy Arnold. A ceremony of passing on Casurina to new owners has a surprising other-dimensional component, as witnessed by several clairvoyants.

Page 51 A Tale of One Tower – Deva Dowsing Workshop Launch in Hobart. Held at Angel Hill Sanctuary, this is a report of Alanna Moore’s very first Deva dowsing workshop, where several clairvoyants and dowsers in attendance had some special insights, at this geomantically excellent location. The Power Tower made there was definately a ‘Deva Magnet’!

Page 52 Art Meets Geomancy, American artist Jeff Phillips shares his enthusiam for Aboriginal art & culture.
Page 53 What’s On? Workshops coming up around Australia and Europe.

Contents of Geomantica 20
Winter Solstice, June 2003

Page 55 Editorial
Page 53 Letters – Impressed by Deva Dowsing at a New Zealand workshop. Should dowsers have competency certification?
Page 55 In the News: Miracle in the Desert – permaculture pioneers create paradise in Jordan; Homa Farming successes in new newsletter; Witchcraft in Victoria no longer an offence; Christan Hummel – geomancy and ethics; Scientific Ghost Study, Geomagnetism & the Paranormal.

Feature Articles:
Page 58 New Zealand Earth Wisdom Summit – Alanna Moore reports from Christchurch of the 3 keynote presenters Gary Cook, Barry Brailsford and Hamish Miller (out from the UK).

Page 60 The Rainbow Serpent – Junitta Vallaks report of connecting to Earth’s major serpent forces during the ‘Journey of Infinity’ around Australia.

Page 62 Flower Power! – Flower essence creator Peter Archer interviewed by Alanna Moore in New Zealand uses clairvoyance for guidance.

Page 64 The Giants Dance, part 3: The Geomancer – From Stonehenge and Celtic calendars to feng shui analysis vs western astrology vs Celtic wind lore.
More fascinating writings from Steve Hawkins, including a case history of a place with bad feng shui.
Page 68 Book Reviews – ‘Sacred Places’ by Alan Whitehead (Australia).
and ‘Healing the Heart of the Earth’ by Marko Pogacnik (Slovenia) = highly recommended!
Page 70 What’s  On? Upcoming Geomantica workshops in Victoria, New SouthWales, Queensland, Holland, England, Ireland, Tasmania, New Zealand.


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