Geomantica Magazine Archives


  • AUD: $111.96

Archived Issues 1 – 60

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Geomantica is an unique international magazine of all things geomantic, including dowsing, Earth mysteries, indigenous paradigms, sacred sites, feng shui, geo-biology and electro-biology, eco-sensitivity, eco-spirituality, esoteric agriculture, eco-building, eco-living, and the like. The editor is Alanna Moore. The current edition is freely available HERE.

When it began in September 1998 the first 9 issues of Geomantica were in print format and in black and white only. They are now available to buy digitally, as pdfs, along with many of the other back issues, and all photos are now mostly in glorious technicolour, with lots more new photos added.

With articles of deep insights that often cannot be found anywhere else, they are only available to buy direct from the Geomantica website, in compilations of 5 issues (‘5 packs’) costing $AUD10/ €7.50 each. Or buy all archived issues 1 – 60 on a CD posted to you, for $AUD90 / €65.


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