Geomanticas No.s 51 – 55


  • AUD: $12.87

Issues 51 – 55 (62 A4 pages): 2012 to 2013


Contents of Geomantica 51
March 2012

Page 2 Editorial – New book by editor Alanna Moore and the low down on smart meters.
Letters – Radionic farming in Ireland, Anastasia – an old myth recycled.
Page 3 News: Water Spirits of the World – Alanna Moore’s Cd is now out as a 2nd edition, expanded to 144 pages print version paperback from Python Press.

Page 4 Australian Dowsers Society now formed, plus their website launched!
Page 5 EMR News: Smart Meters – radiation concerns, smart grids explained by David Icke (links). Animal Health Alert: Dogs Reaction to Smart Meters,
Ireland reports smart meter trial results.

Page 6 Brain effects from Radio Frequency Fields. (link)
Cell Phones are Weapons of Mass Irritation! Alasdair Philips of Powerwatch UK interviewed by Dr. Mercola, extract / link. Household appliance concerns. Wifi Woes.

Page 7 Indigenous Perceptions on Fracking – ‘The Unfractured Future. Safe As Houses? – David Cowan’s book available as a free download (link).
How Animals Predict Earthquakes – extract from BBC report.

Page 8 Saga of the Offensive Wandjina Statue – extracted from an ABC
report of a culturally insensitive sculpture of a Kimberley Aboriginal Wandjina on public display in NSW and what became of it. Loong the Chinese Dragon’s Final Parade in Bendigo.

Feature Articles:
Page 9 Report of a Trip to AURIA – where Trees and Dowsing Make for Great Companions by Sue Bussell of the Natural Resonance Study Group in Western Australia. Where geomancy and tree planting make a wonderful combination, with a success rate of 90% for tree establishment in a hot, harsh environment.

Page 10 Sacred Water Serpents and the Spirit of Wisdom by Alanna Moore.
Extract from the new book Water Spirits of the World, about the serpent as the primordial creator spirit.

Page 12 Smart Meters in Victoria: Information and Concerns, an in-depth report by Janobai Smith.
Page 20 Book Review – Storymen by Hannah Rachel Bell, reviewed by Alanna Moore. A wealth of Aboriginal perspectives.

Contents of Geomantica 52
July 2012

Page 22 Editorial – E-smog is getting worse. We need to reconnect with the Earth!
Letters – Victorian ‘smart’ meter rollout, three public letters from affected people.
Page 23 In the News: Electrical Pollution & Wind Turbines. Increased problems for Kids from Mobile Phones. Where do you carry your phone?
Page 24 Scottish Buddhist Centre sold to Wind Farm Company.
International Dowsing Telesummit this September/October coming, features Alanna Moore speaking on Dowsing the Dreamtime & Geomancing the Garden.

Feature Articles:
Page 25 With Sensitive Living We Nurture the World, by Alanna Moore – A personal look at life and how a trusting of intuitive insights makes for a more sustainable and connected world. Throw away your mobiles and rediscover telepathy!

Page 26 Inflammation, Illness and Mother Earth – by Madis Senner.
The increasing illnesses of society reflect the malaise of Mother Earth. The good news is that Earth can help us reverse many of our problems. Ways of reconnecting.

Page 28 Charge of the Human Body – Static Electricity – more excellent insights from Miroslav Provod, including tips on discharging electricity built up in the body. A scientific slant on things energetic.

Contents of Geomantica 53
September 2012

Page 30 Editorial – Lush conditions are a blessing this spring, after years of drought, then flooding rains.
Image – A sign on bank of the Darling River explaining traditional fishing rules of the Paakantji Aboriginal people.

Page 31 Letters – Windfarm Experience, Invisible Hazards.

Page 31 News – Dowsing Tele-Summit upcoming. Alanna Moore is one of the
international speakers.

Page 32 Python Press books now on Amazon. Heavy Metal Toxicity raises your risk of Electro-Sensitivity. Link to Earthing products. New Zealand grants a River the Rights of Personhood.

Page 33 Regenerate the Earth – now an E-book, with link.
The Grandmother Drum, a Talk in W.A. about a dubious spiritual project.
Page 34 Sacred Space Handbook – new book from UK geomancer Sig Lonegren.

Feature Articles

Page 34 Reflections on Dowsing by Alanna Moore, originally written for the Australian Dowsers Society. A personal musing of living life in intuitive mode and why we need to throw away mobile phones and embrace telepathy and dowsing!

Page 35 Homeopathy from a Different Perspective by Miroslav Provod.
A scientific look at the mechanism of the homeopathic transfer of energies, including an experiment looking at the energy of water that has been simply shaken.

Page 36 Book Reviews: ‘Water Spirits of the World’ and ‘Sensitive Permaculture’ by Alanna Moore, both reviewed in Nexus magazines of 2012.

Page 37 Book Review – ‘Earthing – the most important health discovery ever?’ Peter Cowman reviews this important work, one that has helped many an electro-sensitive and ill people.

Upcoming event – Heaven & Earth Writer’s Festival, October 2012, Sydney, Australia. Speakers include Alanna Moore.

Contents of Geomantica 54
November 2012

Page 39 Editorial – A new Geomantica website means that back issues of the
magazine will not now be freely available online. But archiving has begun!
Page 39 Letters – Reader response to Grandmother Drum talk.
Etherion Intentional Community Vision, where electro-sensitives can live safely!
Page 40 Electro-Magnetic Radiation News: EM Pollution & Geomancy.
Renewable Energy – is it always good for the Planet?
Page 41 Don Maisch’s website. Smart Meters, electrosmog effects etc.

Feature Articles-
Helping the Dead by Alanna Moore. Musings on ghost busting, including an
interesting case of trapped trauma dealt with by the author.

Page 43 Akaija– The Message ‘We are One’ written in Megalithic Sites all over the World: The Great Pyramid, Angkor, Easter Island, Atlantis & Aneityum connected in the Akaija symbol by Wim Roskam, Netherlands. The amazing story of how Wim developed this intriguing and important symbol of unity and peace on a journey to far corners of the world and revelations on a tiny dot of an island in the vast Pacific Ocean.
Page 47 Obituary: Billy Arnold – Geomantica contributor Billy was an amazing clairvoyant who was determined to discover the spiritual reality of Aboriginal perspectives of place and to see and experience the magic of their sites.

Page 48 Book Review: Cellular Telephone, Russian Roulette, by Robert Kane, 2001. “This nonscientific industry experiment using the general population is unique in the history of humanity,” he wrote. “Never before has such a large “guinea pig” experiment been performed.

Contents of Geomantica 55
April 2013

Page 51 Editorial
Letter – Feedback from ‘Helping the Dead’ – using EFT

New Geomantica books! Touchstones for Today and The Sheltermaker’s Manual

Page 53 Restoring the Memory of Trees in WA, a report by Barrie Oldfield O.A.

Page 54 Visit by Dave Stetzer to Melbourne – a shining light on ‘Dirty Electricity’

Flowers buzz bees with electricity – amazing scientific insights into subtle communications across nature’s kingdoms

Page 55 Evolution of a Dowser by David Kennett
The fascinating story of Dave’s self-development by dowsing and its application to reafforestation on a dusty ex-wheat farm in Western Australia.

Page 56 Psychotronic Tuna by P Neilson – Instructions to create your own simple radionic/homeopathic replicator device, using tuna tins!

Page 57 Wifi, the Nocebo Effect and the Sad Sacred Site by Alanna Moore.
The perils of life for an electro-sensitive, how one situation was resolved; recent case of a court win for an electro-sensitive scientist in Victoria; and the effects of e-smog on a sacred site.

Page 61 The Meander – a Source of Energy by Miroslav Provod. A simple experiement to generate energy in water is described.

Page 61 Geomancy – a Certain Way of Thinking by Honour Leigh. An enlightened Australian scientist muses on a better path for western society.


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