Geomanticas No.s 1 – 5


  • AUD: $12.30

Issues 1 – 5 (86 A4 pages)


Contents of Geomantica Issue 1
Spring Equinox, September 21st 1998

Page 2 Editorial
Page 3 The New Geomancy by Alanna Moore. A look at the world of Earth mysteries/geomancy, from past to present. What’s Geomancy? Dragons & serpents. The Wounded Dragon. Reconciliation & the Land. Australia’s haunted landscapes. Geopathic stress. High tech hazards.
Page 5 Timbarra Lament, poem by Alanna Moore.

Page 6 Our World of Vibrations – another approach of Feng Shui, by Roseline Deleu, feng shui master. The first in a series explaining the basics of feng shui theory and practice. What is ch’i? Nine areas of life improvement. Where are they located? The Magic Square. What can you do? The Nine Cures.
Page 7 Letter about the opening of a new dowsing centre in Victoria.
Page 8 What is Paganism? A page from the Pagan Alliance of NSW, explaining a little of the range of neo-pagan traditions and their networking role. (Principles of the Pagan Alliance of NSW, page 11.)

Page 9 Welcome to the Labyrinth by Carole McDonough and Robert Hoskin. What is a Labyrinth? The Chartres Labyrinth. The Rose at the Centre. The Labyr. The Lunations. Making the Labyrinth at Ca-naan. Walking the Labyrinth.

Page 13 Ancient technologies Bring a Fruitful Harvest by Alanna Moore. In 1993 Prof Phil Callahan came out to Australia to teach about the stimulating energies of paramagnetic rocks and Irish Round Towers he had discovered. The author was thus inspired to go around Australasia erecting Towers of Power on farms and she also became involved with a group in Western Australia who dowse for Natural Resonance, following the work of Austria’s Dr Gernot Grafe. After 5 years experimentation with these ‘stone age’ technologies, this is one of the first articles about them by Alanna.

Page 15 Thoughts on Feng Shui and Geomancy by Steven Guth. A geomancer in Canberra with a ‘real magic carpet’, Steven muses on feng shui. Is electricity toxic? A recent case study. Another, unresolved, recent case. A geomantically positive house.

Contents of Geomantica Issue 2
Summer Solstice, December 1998.

Page 20 Editorial
Page 21 Letters inc. True ecology – Ecosophy?
Page 22 Finding the True Purpose in Life by Jodi Brunner. The magic of feng shui, by a consultant and founder of the Feng Shui Network.
Page 23 Networking – Feng Shui Network & Church of All Worlds (a national goddess, nature & Earth worshipping church, in Australia since 1992.)

Page 24 Our World of Vibration – part 2, by Roseline Deleu. Covering theory of yin/yang, the Five Elements, the Magic Square, Definition of the Area 9, What Happens when this part of the Bagua is missing from your house. What happens when this part of the Bagua is more important in your house. the Real Result of a Feng Shui adjustment in the 9 Area. How quick can a cure work?

Page 25 Tribute to William Ricketts, by Alanna Moore. 100 years ago (1898) Ricketts was born (in Australia). He developed great artistic talent and a deep empathy with Australian Aboriginal culture, spending much time in central Australia between 1949 and 1960 and also staying at a spiritual centre in India in early 1970s. His large ceramic scultpures celebrate his spiritual discoveries & are a feast for the senses, in their majestic setting in the Dandening Ranges near Melbourne.

Page 30 The Dangers of Electro-Stress by Alanna Moore. Keeping good energy in your environment, one needs to be extra careful with high-tech appiances, such as microwave ovens, mobile phones, fluorescent lights and computers. How to reduce the hazards, a few solutions.
Page 31 Women’s Intuition poem by Alanna Moore. News – The Vatican seeks forgiveness for past wrongs.

Page 32 Peppermint Ridge – indigenous permaculture meets Koori culture at a small award-winning farm east of Melbourne that features an Aboriginal meeting ground, where educational courses are held.

Page 35 Some Thoughts after a Visit to China by Steven Guth. Observations of potent river energies, political feng shui, British geomancer Colin Bloy’s interest in things Chinese and geomantic Canberra.

Contents of Geomantica Issue 3
Autumn Equinox, March 1999.

Page 37 Editorial
Page 38 What’s happenning? and Voodoo according to West African singer Angelike Kidjo.
Page 39 Down in the Forests of Western Australia, by Alanna Moore. The author visits forests threatened by logging, where huge old growth trees are being turned into wood chips, and a camp of eco-warriors.

Page 41 Our World of Vibration, part 3, by Roseline Deleu. The magic square again, definition of the 8 area. The Mountain, Lair of the Dragon, ideal home site. What happens when the 8 area is lacking or over-emphasised in your home. Case study. Real result of 8 area adjustment.

Page 43 Paramagnetism, by Gary de Piazzi. An explanation of what it is, how to induce it to benefit soil and crops. Prof Phil Callahan compares global situations to the magnetic status of soil.

Page 45 Esoteric Agriculture on Eyre Peninsula, by Alanna Moore. A paramagnetic rock purveyors’s journeying, appreciating the beautiful energy of the pink granite of Streaky Bay, South Australia, then heading south to check out giant Power Towers on some huge farms there.

Page 47 Getting the Balance Right by Gary de Piazzi. An introduction to understanding the nutritional requirements of soil.

Page 49 The Bush University – Aboriginal cultural experience in the
Kimberleys by Georgia Offord, who had a fabulous time at one of their camps, visiting Wandjina art and geo-mythos sites etc.

Page 51 Canberra – Geomantic Thoughts by Steven Guth. Canberra as a developing sacred site. Obervations of landscape angels, sacred mountains, geometric crystal homes made by angels, groups releasing old war energies and using triangles for energy work.

Contents of Geomantica Issue 4
Winter Solstice, June 21st, 1999.

Page 55 Editorial
Page 56 Rock Dust by Alanna Moore. How to use it as a soil additive fertilising agent and getting soil balance right, including results of trials by the Men of the Trees group in their tree nurseries using rock dust in potting mix. How to take it internally, for minerals. The ‘enlivened rock powders’. Where to get.
Page 58 The Natural Resonance Study Group – a report of experimentation with esoteric devices such as the Bio Energetic Stabiliser box.

Page 60 Experiences of a Dowser by Tuula Ylisalo, Canberra. Tuula’s father Harri dowses to find water wells for people and in the early 1970’s he started dowsing for geopathic stress following family experiences and his observations of effects on plants and animals. Later, visiting the homeland of Finland he was interviewed on the media about his work.
Page 61 Enchanted Gardens by Alanna Moore. Photos to inspire you!

Page 63 Singer on Weeds by John Singer. What is a weed? And noxious weeds? Plant intelligence and what weeds tell us about the soil, from a permaculture perspective.
Page 65 Electromagnetic Association of Australia News. Traffic pollution becomes more deadly around EMFs – Bristol Uni research confirms. EMFs and hyperactive kids. Problems with mobile phones and radiation from new satellites correlation to increased mortality in the USA.

Page 66 Stirring up Life by Alanna Moore. About a biodynamic practitioner and teacher in Queanbeyan NSW, who makes seaweed fertiliser using flowforms.

Page 67 Our World of Vibrations – part 4, by Roseline Deleu, feng shui master, focuses on area 2 of the Bagua in the home – the realm of relationships. What happens when this area is neglected or over-emphasised. A case study and real adjustment of the 2 area. How to bring ch’i into your 2 area.
Page 68 What’s Happenning? & Letter – curious effect on a silver chain after Power Tower goes up in the garden.

Contents of Geomantica Issue 5
Spring Equinox, September 1999.

Page 70 Editorial
Page 71 Letters – feedback about Power Towers etc.
Page 72 Magic Roundabout – an urban legend takes off, by Alanna Moore. Photos of a beautiful sandstone ‘wheel stone’ at a roundabout in northern NSW, a modern megalith being used for magical work.

Page 74 Our World of Vibration, part 5 by Roseline Deleu. On moving furniture, feng shui cures, Bad feng shui house? Intention is everything.
Page 75 What’s On? – Mt Franklin Pagan Gathering in central Victoria and a Renewing of the Dreaming camp in NSW. APIC – the Resource Centre for Information about Paganism in Canberra.
Page 76 Homodynamics, by Steven Guth. Steven reports of his 5 weeks spent at a Buddhist monastery in northern Thailand. He became aware of various nature spirits residing in statues there and describes an amazing symbiosis of energetic exchanges between the chanting monks and rice paddies, an ancient sort of spiritual ecology.
Page 79 Intuition is… quote from Dr Helen Caldicott.

Page 80 Kymbo Country – a visit to a permaculture outpost in western Victoria’s Mallee. Welcome to the semi-arid lands. Saline soils. The small oasis town of Murrayville. The Kyndon family wheat and sheep farm. How things have changed since granddad’s time. Bees and geomancy – a Mallee beekeeper maintains an ancient European tradition. A permaculture institute vision.
Page 83 Mission Beach, poem by Alanna Moore.

Page 84 Mystery of the Coiled Palms by Alanna Moore. Is it a snake, or is it a Dreaming Serpent? How it was solved by dowsing, which determined that the palm trees are affected by Earth energies. More examples of other palm trees affected in similar ways.
Page 86 Enchanted Garden – this one has a stone age look Power Tower.


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