Current Magazine

Geomantica 91

March 2025

The magazine of Earth harmony, via dowsing, geomancy, esoteric gardening & agriculture,
and eco-sensitive living, since 1998. Edited by Alanna Moore.

Geo 91 Contents


* Pendulums + DVDs are Back in Stock!
* Book Sale – Stone Age Farming is half price while stocks last. But only in Europe and UK.
* Trees are considered indigenous Tasmanians’ ‘Elders’
* Californian tribes celebrate historic dam removal
* Deep Mapping of cultural landscapes in Finland

Features –
* Interview – Daniel Wagner and Alanna Moore 2024 for German Nexus magazine.
* Divining Travels in Australia – a geomancer’s recent journey, by Alanna Moore, January 2025.
* There be Giants in the Land! by Alanna Moore, January 2025.

Book Reviews:
* I, the Aboriginal, by Douglas Lockwood, Rigby Ltd, Adelaide, 1962.
Reviewed by Alanna Moore + Johanna Wychecombe, December 2024.

* Nature Spirits, the Remembrance – a Guide to the Elemental Kingdom, by Susan Raven, Clairview, UK, 2012. Reviewed by Alanna Moore.


Dear Folks,
Happy northern springtime and welcome to the 91st edition of Geomantica magazine. Since the last issue I’ve been on the road several months, had a fascinating time in Australia, plus visited family in the Philippines and Switzerland. You can read about it in this issue of Geomantica.

This coming summer/autumn I’ll be offering Mythic Mountain Tours and workshops in Ireland (but possibly not after this year), also teaching in Switzerland, the UK, Italy and Germany. See at the end of the magazine for details.

For notifications of events etc, ask to go on the email list, if you aren’t already, by emailing –

Next editions will be out in June and September. I’m happy to receive your offerings of news and articles to consider publishing, they would be much appreciated, thanks!

Enjoy this issue!
Alanna Moore


Geo 91 News


* Pendulums + DVDs are back in stock !

The pendulums are made of lovely pink granite pieces. See – HERE.

* BOOK SALE – Stone Age Farming is half price

until current stocks are cleared, but only for Europe and the UK.

Now only €10 across Europe and £10 in the UK, posted out from Ireland. 

Stone Age Farming – tapping nature’s energies for your farm and garden, by Alanna Moore, Python Press, 2001, 2nd edition 2013. 218 page A5 paperback
Exploring the world of subtle energies, this book explains how they may be harnessed for improved plant growth and vibrant gardens. From agricultural radionics, to ancient wisdom and modern scientific understandings on the ability of magnetism to stimulate life, this book presents a wide spectrum of esoteric and practical advice for the new age farmer and gardener. And if you want to build a ‘Power Tower’ – this book is for you!

Every so often, a book comes along that will change your perception of the world. Stone Age Farming is such a book.” Conscious Living magazine, Australia.

To order your half price copy – email: for a Paypal invoice.

Or buy 2 books for the price of one by using the paypal button on the book page HERE.


Trees are considered indigenous Tasmanians‘ Elders’

An ancient forest of trees considered “elders” by Tasmania’s Aboriginal people is rediscovered

“Recent storms on a northern Tasmanian beach have revealed the remains of an ancient forest of trees considered ‘elders’ by Tasmania’s Aboriginal people. While the trees were initially thought by some to be “petrified”, a fossil expert explains they are actually mostly ‘preserved’, with some parts petrified.

“Palawa man Jye Crosswell runs an Aboriginal cultural education business, and he also said the site was likely to be an ancient tea tree forest. Excited by the site’s rediscovery,  he said it was unsurprising as Tasmania’s north coast was rich in Aboriginal history.
“Any larger trees within the landscape are viewed as elders by the Palawa community,” Mr Crosswell said.

“They are elders. They provide structure and guidance to the rest of the trees growing in the area”.

Extracted from


Californian tribes celebrate historic dam removal

“After four dams were blasted from the Klamath River, the work to restore the ecosystem is under way. Explosions roared through the canyons lining the Klamath River early in 2024, signaling a new chapter for the region that hugs the Oregon-California border.
“In October, the removal of four hydroelectric dams built on the river was completed – the largest project of its kind in US history. The blast of the final dam was just the beginning. The work to restore the river, which winds 263 miles (423km) from the volcanic Cascade mountain range in Oregon to the Pacific coast in northern California, is now under way.
“Already it’s been among the most hopeful environmental stories of past years. “It has been more successful than we ever imagined,” said Ren Brownell, the spokesperson for the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, a non-profit created to oversee and implement the removal, adding: “There’s an incredible amount of joy.”
Read the full story here –


Deep Mapping of cultural landscapes in Finland

For ecologists restoring the vast bogs of remote Karelia in Finland, wild reindeer are not just part of the environment but they’re entwined with the ancient culture of the people. Without the support of the people, the locally extinct reindeer cannot be successfully re-introduced to the area, so a cultural awareness programme of ‘deep mapping’ is being simultaneously undertaken.
Finnish folk musician Liisa Matveinen sings a song about a humble hunter going into the woods to find reindeer. The song tells us how they were “honoured” providers of food, clothing and a sense of place, says Matveinen, who is recognised as a doyenne of Finnish folk music. Singing takes Matveinen back to a vanished world of hunting and fishing in the Finnish and Russian region of Karelia, where she was brought up and now lives.

Read the full story here –

Feature Articles

*Interview – Daniel Wagner and Alanna Moore, early 2024

(translated into German and published in Nexus magazine, Germany)

1.      Alanna, this summer you will give a workshop on “intuitive permaculture with subtle beings” in Germany. What do you think: Can everybody learn to communicate with the spirits of place, or is this just for specially gifted people?
– Yes, if you have the curiosity and intention, why not? It’s an inherent human faculty actually. The gift is to allow yourself to open up and listen to the land, to have communion with nature and the ‘genius loci’. It can be a profoundly enriching experience, a hidden treasure that you can find. And you can be kind to the land by listening to it and respectfully co-operating with it. It can be a mutually rewarding activity when you, for example, offer the nature spirits a place of sanctuary in your backyard or farm. You can co-create with the nature spirits and make an island of harmony together.

2.      Is there a spirit behind every tree, every plant, or are “they” living just in special places or special plants? If one doesn’t have clairvoyant abilities it’s hard to imagine how this world is working …
– All life is conscious, so – yes, there are spirit beings of all shapes and sizes inhabiting nature on the invisible dimensions. Even rocks have consciousness! Some spirit beings have greater intelligence than others and they inhabit larger territories and have major works to do. These are the ones that people tend to interact with. A fairy queen, for example, might inhabit your garden and act a bit like the CEO of a company (of beings), co-ordinating seasonal and cyclic changes, etc.

3.      If one listens to clairvoyant people and people that communicate with the ‘Other world’ one gets the impression that most of us are totally ignorant about them, being constantly out of tune with them and nature. A peaceful coexistence in general seems far away. Do you think it is possible for humanity to coexist with elves, fairies, and the ‘Other world? How could we as humanity achieve that? And are there natural clash of interests between humans and the spirits that can’t be solved?
– In my work I show how we can foster a healthy relationship with the Other-world beings, because we all have to share this planet and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to show that a happy, harmonious environment is possible if we respect each other’s needs and negotiate a shared existence. So many indigenous stories speak of the consequences of greed and upsetting the balance of life. By being kind to nature and working together with it, we can greatly impress the nature devas and earn their respect. And a good permaculture design for living lighting goes a long way!

4.      What is your impression of the spirit world: Are the spirits and/or Other worldly entities in unison, or have they disagreements (or even wars) as we humans have?
– Well those old Greek and Roman myths do give that impression, that the gods have human emotions. Many nature spirits have co-evolved with humankind, becoming the mascot of a tribe. No wonder the human qualities rubbed off! They looked up to us because we can do things on the physical plane, so they emulated us somewhat. You might say that gods and goddesses are a human creation, the result of glorifying (- inflating the ego!) a nature spirit, who loved all the attention it got and then reciprocated by providing help, guidance and protection for the tribe.

5.      Is the spirit or subtle world more homogenous than ours? Have tree spirits in Ireland and Germany the same character traits? Are there differences?
– Everywhere they are similar, but different. It depends on your perception of them, whether it’s coloured by standardised ideas and images. Like us, they’ve evolved through a range of environments and experiences that has informed who they are. The messages they convey to people are similar, wherever you go. Often they cry about the destruction of the landscape and they can’t cope with the contamination of the atmosphere by electro-smog.

6.      What do you mean by ‘fairy-friendly’ gardening? Have we to ask before planting every plant or tree the spirits of place, if they allow that or are comfortable with it?
Your backyard is the best esoteric gardening training ground. You can develop a relationship with the influential nature spirits and keep them happy. By mapping out energy features that might need careful consideration before anything is altered, you can avoid the wrath of the fairies. You can avoid destroying their homes and sacred places. Talk to them and tell them your ideas and plans well in advance. Ask them questions by dowsing. Get their feedback and negotiate changes.

7.      What can participants expect from your seminar in August? What will they learn?
I will share techniques to empower us to discover a whole new world of energetic life in nature, through the art of dowsing. We will practise dowsing the energy bodies of plants and ourselves, the fairies and beings of nature. Some practical applications of dowsing for water divining and problem solving in the garden will be covered and we’ll explore the idea of ‘Sensitive Permaculture’, that takes the knowledge of the Other-worlds and energetic interactions onboard. We’ll walk in nature and use ‘new eyes’ to discover the ‘Dreaming’ of the land. And we’ll look at what installations might be made in a garden or farm to enhance the harmony and abundance of the place. It will be a weekend with lots of hands-on energy dowsing and we’ll make a Power Tower to boost the energy of place, stimulate biological processes and ourselves, and enhance plant growth.

Note – the workshop we discussed is repeated in Germany again this August 2025. See: HERE.

Divining Travels in Australia – a geomancer’s journeying


by Alanna Moore, © January 2025.

Arriving first in Sydney, at one point I was sitting at Palm Beach looking out over the Pacific Ocean when I was enchanted to spot a pod of whales that started ‘dancing’ in the water as they headed south to Antartica. Flipping their tails up, spinning around. First one, then more, then the others, in a big churning circle. It felt as if contagious joy had broken out amongst them. Certainly, a great omen for the beginning of an excellent trip.

I next went to the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, and helped the NSW Dowsers’ Society celebrate it’s 40th anniversary in Katoomba on the 9th of November, at the Carrington Hotel, a lovely venue! (I was a co-founder of the DSNSW and the only one left now.) I kept meeting people who knew me from last century. It was a “blast from past.”

There were four speakers, Robert Gourlay, Kevin Parker, Francois Capmeil and myself, and we were all four in a panel answering questions at the end (as above). The event was a great success! The next day I ran a one day workshop in Katoomba and it was lovely to be back in this magical part of the world, widely considered as highly sacred. I later gave a talk at the Theosophical Society, Adyar Lodge, when I returned to Sydney.

Then I travelled by trains and buses down the south coast route to Melbourne, Victoria. A long way to go and it was through areas that had been badly burned out by bushfires of the previous few years. But green was sprouting from the blackened trunks of the resilient Eucalyptus trees (- they are adapted to fire and it allows them to dominate the forests.) And it was a fascinating part of the trip, where I met a few landscape giants, amongst other beings (see the article in this issue of Geomantica).

Arriving in central Melbourne’s Southern Cross train hub gave me a real culture shock…all the people everywhere! The noise. The ugliness. Plus 5G signals! I’m not used to all that. But I eventually adapted to it somewhat. As long as I wore my protective clothing made of silver 24/7 I could function and avoid getting headaches and nausea, but it did get hot under the extra layers of clothing at times. Fortunately the weather stayed mostly mild and the heat turned up only after I left.

At the Melbourne Theosophical Society headquarters I gave two talks and had a chance to check out their esoteric bookshop. (I was a TS member earlier this century.) It’s in new premises, but some features of the old Russell St Lodge are incorporated into it. The meditation room (in the photo) has an awesome feeling and I dowsed that two powerful and wise old spirits were there, stationed on the special chairs.

In the bookshop it was sad to see a lack of diversity in books, because these days the book market has suffered a lot from the impact of the internet, and many publishers, printers and bookstores have shut down. So it’s great that they still run an esoteric bookshop, when Sydney’s Adyar TS bookshop closed years ago. I encouraged the Melbourne audience to buy my books directly from the TS. (“Use it or you might lose it”!)

A disturbing thing I learned elsewhere in Victoria was from talking to two victims of electro-magnetic weapon attack. They had been prominently involved in the campaign against 5G technology. Then they were badly zapped in their homes and their health was instantly affected, eg hearts. They also knew of others who’d been zapped (one who subsequently died!), plus they and others told me about a big anti-5G protest in Canberra where many people suffered burns on parts of their bodies, presumably from these dreadful type of weapons being used on them.

This is a frightening and chilling chapter in the erosion of free speech in Australia. Who is behind such warfare tactics? They can be far from the attack scene and the effects, being invisible, hard to investigate, so the mystery evil-doers can get away with it. It can appear as if victims have just had a heart attack, or whatever. In this case the people I talked to knew a thing or two about e-m-r weapons. They knew that what happened to them was not a natural event. As a result, as well as having to rest and recover, some affected activists are wary of continuing the good fight. It’s shocking to consider that Australia is becoming more and more like a totalitarian state… Or perhaps it was a corporate job?

A recent example of over-the-top government control just happened in NSW, where it’s now too bureaucratic for small veggie growers to easily sell their produce to the public (thus helping big producers by reducing competition). On another front, people have had their air conditioners remotely turned off or down during heatwaves to reduce demand on the electrical grid, because they have so-called ‘smart’ meters and this is one of their prime functions it seems: control by others. The Big Brother / Nanny State is alive and kicking, unfortunately.

I suppose it all points towards life being safer and more dignified when you become fairly self-sufficient for food and off-grid in your own sovereign ‘castle’, if you are fortunate enough to have one. (Checkout my 2021 book ‘Peasant in Paradise’ for ways to achieve this! HERE)

Avoid unnecessary and toxic technology. Dowse for safe places/foods/etc and for problem solving – be your own google! Hone your intuitive skills and survive and thrive all the better.

Happy dowsing folks!!


There be Giants in the Land!

by Alanna Moore, © 10th January 2025.

Scratch the surface of a landscape and you never know what you might find. There can be huge, invisible forces at work and, if we investigate them in a sensitive state of mind, we can be privy to their character and state of being. I’m referring, in particular, to the devic beings (otherwise known as nature spirits, the ‘shee’ in Ireland, or devas, from the Indian word for ‘shining ones’). They personify the intelligence of nature and subtly influence life and land.

The devas prefer natural environments. In lands denuded for agriculture, forestry, dense urbanisation and mining they may be relatively absent, or only visit occasionally. They also keep well away from humans who perpetrate environmental harms. In their absence, the land can feel spiritually barren and empty.

It has been a privilege for me to live in Ireland for the past ten years and observe the shee on my small farm, with their seasonal comings and goings. Being a relatively unspoilt part of Europe, the shee are quite abundant here. But I’ve never come across very large ones, just the usual smaller species, such as fairies and fractals of the goddesses and gods of yore.

Giants in the Land

Visiting Germany regularly, I found it a different story. In this big land of vast forests and many mountains, some 30% of the country is under trees, continuing an ancient tradition of sustainable forestry. Being tasked to discover the devic denizens of an area, so that dowsing students can be introduced to them, I’ve met some gigantic and awesome forest and landscape spirits there. As tall as the trees! Having a parallel, co-evolved culture associated with the people, I’ve clairvoyantly seen one wearing a traditional lederhosen outfit, while dancing for joy! Jolly green giants, indeed!

Often they’ll be delighted to make contact with empathetic humans. Other times they’ve expressed frustration in their communications. Some have passed environmental messages to percipients, because they are deeply concerned for the wellbeing of the land. (You can read some in my book ‘Plant Spirit Gardener’ see – HERE.) Swedish dowser colleagues told me about how they work with the Trolls in Sweden, when I visited there in 2006. Trolls are also giants.

But Ireland has virtually no natural forests, mainly just overgrown hedgerows and monoculture conifer plantations that are environmental wastelands contaminated with chemical sprays. There, the shee are sadly lacking and giants I have not yet met.

Surely, giants once lived in Ireland, or still do, and I was given a clue about this earlier this century. An elderly Irish diviner, who is still alive, told me of his dowsing discoveries inside and around an ancient court tomb on a hilltop near his home. It’s chambered, roofless form is shaped something like a big elongated human body, with one of the chambers placed where the womb would be in a human. In years of dowsing around the cairn he became aware of large serpent shapes similar to that seen at the Ohio Serpent Mound which has a large egg in its mouth. Following one of these for over a year he found that at the winter solstice its head, with the egg, entered the cairn and rested with the egg in the “womb”. Inside the egg were 13 embryonic human forms, male and female (alternating). Dowsing most days for over a full year showed that at each full moon one of the embryonic forms would leave the egg and enter the “womb” and start to grow. It travelled up through the other chambers and left the cairn at the next full moon when another embryo would be released. As they left the cairn, they grew very fast to become male and female “Giants” that marched for several miles across the countryside for one year before they faded and disappeared. After 13 full moons when the egg was empty, the serpent withdrew, and another took its place.

My informant declared recently that this extraordinary sequence continues to this day! These awesome and priceless insights open a fertile window into the parallel dimensions of life. I imagine there is a powerful Field of Memory energetically held in the sphere of this court tomb. And that the Giant is an endangered species of the Irish Other world.

Aussie Giants

To find gigantic devas in the energetic landscape, I need to have a good reason to tune in and get ‘into the zone’ whereby they become apparent to me. I have to consciously look through the veils that blur our awareness, that protect our ‘normal’ senses from overload. And so, on my recent teaching trip to Australia in November-December 2024, I had a good reason to be looking. I needed to check out sites in advance of workshops. Fortunately, the sites were close to vibrant native bushland areas that were relatively unspoilt.

At one such location, in Callala Bay on the south coast of New South Wales, the venue turned out to be very close to an ex-Aboriginal sacred site, as well. It still retained a strong Field of Memory, but the energies were latent and could only be appreciated by dowsing backwards in time. Sacred sites are a magnet for nature spirits and this ex-site still had devic connections. So it was awesome, but not surprising, when a landscape giant made its presence known to me. I could see its masculine, human shaped form in my mind’s eye, away in the distance, inland. I explained that our dowsing group would love to meet him and he was excited at the prospect. I made an appointment with him to visit us on Sunday mid-morning and he went off gleefully to tell his other giant mates about it.

By Sunday the giant was itching to meet us. When the time came, I sensed him waiting in the street outside the property. All the fences were made of metal, which is disturbing for devas. So I went over and opened a pair of gates for him. Soon he was inside the yard, keeping his distance as we practised dowsing his presence, his energetic field, from a short distance away. Someone pointed out that he was actually hovering above the ground. For a good 10 minutes we were blessed by his presence, before the giant told me that he was leaving and was gone.

Travelling further south down the thickly forested coast, I met several other giants in the land. They were often the most important devas of place, so I conferred with them about clients’ property plans. In Victoria I met another one in the mighty Mountain Ash Eucalyptus forests of the Dandenongs, near Melbourne. Another, a female giant, was stationed in bushland near Coles Bay in Tasmania. She was so excited to connect with us, she couldn’t stop dancing. And even happier when the group danced with her at a vortex there, a power point where a Serpent/Dragon Line (earth energy current of serpentine form) earthed itself. We were swaying our bodies and clapping a beat with hands and sticks. It felt wonderful. “Dance, dance!” the she-giant kept saying, sending waves of joy to us. I wasn’t the only one to feel this. From then on, the day went super smoothly and the geo-vortex was hyper-charged!

I was thrilled to meet more giants on this trip than I’d ever met before. The more you look, the more you find, I suppose. And it was a great privilege to be received so well by them, for which I was deeply grateful.

Giant Message

These experiences keyed into a Youtube film, ‘The Forest’, I was shown later in Melbourne, about research into how much carbon is actually sequestered by planting trees in commercial forestry operations. It told the story of how a young ecologist Tom Crowther was going through the research motions when he had an accident and a near-death experience. It shook him up so much that he realised that both he and planet Earth were fragile. That there was no time to waste with the urgent need to know the answers, to help steer government policies in the right direction.

His next phase of research accelerated and took him ‘outside the box’. He discovered that mainstream forestry operations, removing old trees and native forests, and replanting them with tree monocultures using chemicals, was not the answer. It only made things worse. He did the studies to prove this, upsetting the status quo. My friend said his contract at the University in Switzerland has not been renewed. “I think he annoyed or was over zealous and some of his co-workers complained.” *

(His work fits in with the brilliant discoveries of Suzanne Simard in Canada, whose observations of the fungal connections in soil between natural forest trees transformed our thinking about trees, while she also copped the ire of loggers. The story of how she discovered this, in her book ‘Finding the Mother Tree’, is a must-read!)

The most important thing we need to do to preserve this tiny, fragile planet, Crowther discovered, is to save the old growth forests. There is more life, wisdom, loving and co-operative connections in natural forests than we can ever imagine. It’s the message of the forest giants too, the Trolls of Scandinavia, the Leshii of Poland and the like. They would all concur. We must save the native forests, protect them with every sinew in our bodies, and don’t turn them into sterile industrial landscapes – before it’s too late!!



Book Reviews:

I, the Aboriginal

by Douglas Lockwood, Rigby Ltd, Adelaide, 1962.
Reviewed by Alanna Moore + Johanna Wynchecombe, December 2024.

Many people hold a romantic view of tribal Aboriginal life in the Australian ‘wilderness’. This book may well dispel that view as it chronicles the often challenging and brutal life of Philip Roberts, born Waipuldanya, an Alawa man from south of the Roper River in the Northern Territory.

Roberts became an initiated man of high degree, but he straddled both worlds, working for white people and integrating with the western world. He held his high position with a vague sense of unease, because it could involve him being told by the Elders to carry out a revenge killing of someone who was associated with a family feud that may have gone on for generations. He feared getting that command.

Life could be very tough for the men of that society. It was worse for the women. They could be beaten and abused at a whim by their menfolk and just had to put up with it. (I have witnessed this in the faces of Aboriginal women in Alice Springs in the 21st century, so beautiful as children, but so many scarred in adulthood.) Girls could be forced when young into arranged marriages to much older men. Love matches were not the norm in Waipuldanya’s time, in the first half of the 20th century.

A book such as this would probably not be politically correct to be re-published today. If you need a sobering read, look for a second hand copy.

Book Review
Nature Spirits, the Remembrance

– a Guide to the Elemental Kingdom, by Susan Raven, Clairview, UK, 2012.

Reviewed by Alanna Moore.

Looking at the title and having a fierce interest in the subject, I was keen to check this book out. But it didn’t measure up. This so-called guide is one written at arm’s length, mostly regurgitating Rudolph Steiner’s thoughts on the subject and intellectualising to the max.

Take, for example, the very boring definition of an Earth Elemental Spirit that Raven offers –

“a being of sensory intelligence within solid matter… they are essentially a sense organ of intelligence and knowingness”.

OK, you have the essence of them now? I’d say – not.

The idea that an Earth Spirit might also be a cheeky little character that lives in your garden and likes to frolic, but that might also play tricks on your mind, would be too close to the mark. She doesn’t go there. Steiner was a heavy going thinker, he often got mired in negative concepts and was a christian who was possibly at odds with the Other world. He seemed to suffer from a sort of mental constipation, too. Am I being too harsh here? Maybe he just needed a good editor? Or a literary agent laxative? But really, why bother wasting paper to parrot his nerdy understandings? They seem very Old School, unless I missed something.

I did try to read this book, as did the woman who suggested I look at her copy of it. We both tried and both were repelled by its laboured use of language, so I only really dipped into it. To me, it’s best described as “unenlightening” and “irritatingly tedious”. A book to avoid.


What’s On?

Events Coming Up:



* May – October 2025: 

‘Mythic Mountain Tours’

Tour with Alanna Moore, have customised experiences exploring ancient sites and the Otherworlds in Ireland’s north-west. Accomodation for 2-4 in low electro-smog house; minimum of 2 people for 2 nights.

Bookings –

Pic – dowsing energy lines at a megalithic site on a a tour in Co. Leitrim, Ireland.

See the web page HERE.

* July 29th and 30th, Ballyhooley, Cork
Dowsing and Geomancy Weekend

Enquiries –


* SWITZERLAND,  12-13th April
 Geomancy Weekend

with Alanna Moore, near Zurich.

Includes forest field trip.

(Also a one day workshop on July 13th.)

Enquiries and bookings –



* Somerset

Wednesday April 23rd and Thursday 24th, 2025.

Alanna Moore presents 2 one day workshops in the gardens of Charles Dowding, Shepton Mallet in Somerset.

See –

* Hertfordshire

Weekend April 26th – 27th, 2025.

See –

* ITALY, July 19th – 20th

Weekend with Alanna Moore and Andrea Donnoli

in Lizzano in Belvedere, in the Appenines, near Bologna.

Dowsing, geomancy, forest bathing, nature spirits…

Bookings –

August weekend, 22.08. – 24.08.2025
‘Intuitive Permaculture’

with Alanna Moore in Thuringia

(Discount applies if you book before the end of March.)

See –

* South Eiffel, near Luxemburg
September 19th – 21st

Weekend workshop with Alanna Moore.

Bookings – 


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