Current Magazine

Geomantica 90

September 2024

The magazine of Earth harmony, via dowsing, geomancy, esoteric gardening & agriculture,
and eco-sensitive living, since 1998. Edited by Alanna Moore.

Geo 90 Contents                                                       

Editorial, Letter from a reader about his Power Tower experiments.


Workshop in Italy last June; Mythic Mountain Tours in 2025; The Possibility of Plant Vision; Tiny Forests for rapid urban greening.

Features –

* Spiral Healing by Kieran Comerford, Ireland
* When Babies Cry Too Much and Therapies Fail – Check for Geopathic Stress, by Alanna Moore, Ireland, August 2024.
* Tinnitus – a Journey Towards Silence, by Sarah, Ireland, May 2024.
* Earth Healing 101, by Madis Senner in Syracuse, NY, USA

Book Reviews –

‘Fairy Haunts of Ireland’, reviewed by Tara Killeen-Cronogue, July 2024.
‘Nature Spirits Want to Talk with Us’, by Coleen Douglas, USA, reviewed by Alanna Moore.

What’s On?

* Irish events this month of September, 2024.
* Australian events November – December 2024.

* Swiss event January 2025
* UK  events April 2025.



Autumn leaves are colouring up as the September equinox looms. With almost equal length days and nights, the frenetic pace of a northern summer slows down. Speaking of summer, this is the second year in a row in Ireland where we’ve had no summer, just rain, clouds and cool days, and only the odd respite of short moments of sunshine. I think of it as a wake up call to the powers of nature that can stunt plant growth and reduce harvests. If the long overdue volcano in Iceland decides to belch out in a big way we could see more of the same, with the possibility of several years of no sun. This has happened in Ireland and is recorded in the ancient annals. It caused famine and mass deaths, with Cows also dying from eating grass tainted with toxic fall-out. The sun is the essential driver of life. Is anyone prepared to have none? Learn to enjoy mushrooms more, I suppose…

This year I am very happy to report that the ‘seeds’ I planted, in the form of books on energetic farming and landscape geomancy etc, seem to finally be bearing fruit. Books that I wrote over 20 years ago are suddenly enjoying greater popularity than ever, as a wave of interest in Electro Culture (the modern term for Energy Farming + Gardening) has swept across Europe and elsewhere, thanks in part to enthusiastic colleagues. The sense of sacredness of the land too, is finding practical applications and bringing greater joy and magic to people and places. It brings greater productivity to crops, with less need for chemical inputs too. So, a win-win all round!

It’s exciting to be returning to Australia this November, to celebrate 40 years of the Dowsing Society that I helped to found in 1983-4. I look forwards to travels down the east coast to Melbourne and Tasmania too, to teach the geomantic arts and build more Power Towers! Maybe I’ll see you there…

Because I will be out of the office for 3 months or so, some products in the Geomantica shop will be unavailable until my return. So check availability first before ordering.

Happy reading and thanks to all the contributors,
Your editor,
Alanna Moore


“Good morning and greetings from Leszek Olszewski in Poland.

“I wanted to share that I had built my tower, three meters above ground level, filled with stone that I had found myself and crystals, on top of a cone, a place that I had chosen intuitively, and then confirmed with a pendulum.

“Three days after the installation, there were powerful storms with strong winds and lightning. The effect of the tower was that the lightning stayed away from the installation site. For a distance of 2 kilometers. An amazing effect. Previously, lightning struck close (200-300 meters).

“The tower creates a protective barrier against the negative effects of the weather.The observation shows that the strongest effect is during the day. (Range of 2-3 kilometers with the pendulum). At night the range drops to 20-30 meters. This is due to Schumann waves and solar activity. During the day the waves reach the tower and activate it, and the range increases. At night when it is dark it drops.

“Thank you for the valuable information in the book Stone Age Farming and I will make further observations.

“I felt a tremendous inner peace as I stood next to the tower that had already been built.”


Geo 90 News


Stone Age Farming Event in Italy June 2024

by Andrea Donnoli

As every year, it was a pleasure to host Alanna Moore in the Mountain Food Forest, where ever-evolving spirits, plants and humans reign.
In 2024 we had a marathon to translate Alanna’s best seller ‘Stone Age Farming’, which can now be found as ‘Agricoltura Energetica’ (Energetic Farming) in our stores in Italian. This book is very important, as it helps us understand how we can quickly regenerate ecosystems with natural solutions, starting with soil care and ending with energy towers. The applications are powerful, with remarkable results, and Alanna has experience going back to the early 1990s, having been fortunate enough to meet in person with Prof. Philip Callahan then. He was the first to address the fundamental role of paramagnetism in biology.

Some photos from the weekend –

In 2025 we will be working to enhance the environment, the role of nature and spirits, for a whole new educational program, and I hope that Energy Farming approaches will continue to open hearts and minds connected to Mother Earth.
I will now share five participant’s comments (translated from Italian) about the weekend.

Participating in the Sensitive Permaculture course was for me to be able to immerse myself in contact with nature, being able to feel realities I would not have imagined. Through the use of the pendulum, discovering the energy vortices of the earth, the underground waters, the elemental beings.
Alanna is a very special woman who manages to pass her techniques with simplicity and lightness. The environment is a magical place, and also because of that it is easy to create a group that is joyful and attentive at the same time. It was a wonderful two days, I had arrived tired just back from a busy week, and I left full of energy and a desire to experience so many new insights.
My weekend at Andrea’s place was a completely new experience compared to what I would have thought before I experienced it… Although I am not sure I have everything clear about what I felt I certainly had an awareness of something new to me. Especially the fact that trees and plants have a sensitivity opened a door for me to understand something I did not know… It was a great thrill to experience it with all of you who were perhaps already more introduced to the subject. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Very formative experience both physically and personally, and internally a unique involvement thank you Andrea and Alanna. Another thanks goes to all of you for the naturalness that led us to create a beautiful group I am flattered to be part of it. Good day and good work to all.
It was a unique experience on a spiritual level which is the part where I have shortcomings. I went over techniques I already knew with a unique approach plus I learned new notions to be able to experiment in my business, Alanna is a simple person who manages to engage people in a unique way, a beautiful experience with new acquaintances of good soul people who want to see a greener world.
Being part of the Sensitive Permaculture group organised by Andrea, led by wonderful Alanna Moore, was like immersing myself in the fairy world, connected into the geobiology network that surrounds us, instead of separating – it unites us, that we are part of this wonderful the world but we don’t realise it. Alanna’s mission was accomplished, we all are connected with nature, it is up to us to feel deeper to find more connection with the whole universe. Thank you to all participants, a unique experience.


Plant Vision?

Winners of the 2024 Ig Nobel prize for botany have found evidence for this amazing possibility!

An Ig Nobel award has been given to Jacob White in the US and Felipe Yamashita in Germany for reporting in 2022 evidence that the South American plant Boquila trifoliolata can mimic the leaves of plastic plants it is placed alongside, leading them to conclude that “plant vision” is a plausible hypothesis.

See – Boquila trifoliolata mimics leaves of an artificial plastic host plant


Tiny Forests for rapid urban greening

Exracted from:

Tiny forests are sprouting up around Australia in spaces as small as just a few square metres.
Because of the way they’re created, these forests can mature in 10 to 20 years — instead of 100 — potentially bringing big benefits to suburbs where tree canopy is dwindling. Perth ecologist Dr Grey Coupland has been researching the concept, and sees huge potential.
“It’s a really, really useful method for rapid urban greening,” she said. “We have low canopy cover and we have an urban heat sink problem.”

The pocket forests are grown using the Miyawaki method, created by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s. The tiny forests follow three main principles. “Soil preparation is really important because in urban areas we don’t have much life in the soil and it’s often low in nutrients as well,” Dr Coupland said.

Before planting, each site is prepared by digging in massive amounts of hydrated coconut coir for moisture retention, compost and a specially prepared ‘tea’ that is brewed with soil bacteria collected from nearby natural bushland that helps the native species thrive. Dr Coupland collects the soil while she’s conducting biological surveys of local remnant bushland to determine what species to plant — which is the second part of the method. “Basically you’re planting what would have been on the site before the site was cleared for urbanisation and that’s critical because those plants are specifically adapted to the area in which you’re planting them.”

The third part is planting close together, in spaces as small as a car parking spot, a tennis court or a street verge. “High density creates competition between the plants, so instead of growing outwards they grow upwards and that helps with the rapid growth of the forest.”

In a two-year old forest at Eddystone Primary School in Perth’s northern suburbs, the ‘control’ plants which were planted outside the specially prepared area are straggly and stand about 30cm tall. The same species, planted at the same time, inside the Miyawaki forest are healthy and already more than 3m tall.

“These forests are really good for cooling as well,” she said. “We’ve taken some temperature readings outside the forest and inside the forest on a 43-degree day, it was 69 degrees on the local basketball court, 42 degrees in the forest, and then even 48 degrees on the grass, so the potential for cooling the landscape is pretty significant.”

Feature Articles

*Spiral Healing

by Kieran Comerford, Ireland

A number of years ago I wrote a book about Newgrange, the neolithic site in County Meath, Ireland, and the theory that it was a healing centre based on Orgone energy. Orgone is the healing energy produced by alternate layers of organic and inorganic materials. This is seen in Newgrange in the alternate layers of stones and turf found by Professor Michael O’ Kelly during his excavations.
On a divining trip to Newgrange with a number of people, we all identified crossing underground streams whose energies combined to produce a healing spiral energy as illustrated below. The spiral symbol is seen in numerous rock carvings on the kerbstones around the mound.

I researched this spiral energy and found that it was possibly described in the discovery of torsion fields by Soviet scientists in the 1950s, but since largely ignored by science. This energy can also be produced by magnets and is claimed to produce a permanent change in an object after the energy source is removed.
In 2023 I discovered that by arranging magnets in a loop, a healing energy in the form of a torsion field is emitted vertically from the magnets and this has relieved, and even cured, a wide range of ailments.

This arrangement of magnets is shown on the right.

Ailments which have been treated successfully are arthritis, enlarged prostate, various pains, burns and warts. I first tested this arrangement of magnets on myself. Like most older men, I had an enlarged prostate. After sitting on the arrangement of magnets, I felt spaced out and noticed an improvement in my symptoms. I found that one hour per day was right initially and reduced this to half an hour after a few weeks. This was easy to do sitting down, reading, or at a meal. A few of my older male acquaintances had immediate benefits also. Other people I know got immediate relief for arthritis and there are a number of other cases of healing. My wife successfully treated a burn on her finger in two days. Also, I found that placing this arrangement on the head gives profound feelings of rest and clearer mental functioning in activity.
The best way to use the magnets is to make them into a healing pad using the Amazon envelopes they come in. These are simple magnets normally sold for school science lessons and are quite weak and not to be confused with the strong neodymium magnets currently on sale. When the magnets are connected in a loop, the magnetic field is trapped inside each magnet and the external magnetic field is very small.
A healing pad made with the Amazon envelope is shown on the right. 

This discovery is explained in detail on the website Here, you are encouraged to make your own healing pad and report your experiences with this development. This project is currently under assessment by a US institute for alternative healing and the initial reaction is encouraging.

My book ‘Newgrange and the New Science’ can be obtained direct from the printers at:

* When Babies Cry Too Much and Therapies Fail – Check for Geopathic Stress

by Alanna Moore

At the end of 1980 I had a new baby in north London and no family around for advice. It was a big learning curve. At around 3 months of age, the baby was crying a lot in his bed and I was concerned. I had also just joined the British Society of Dowsers and in it’s journals read about the problem of geopathic stress, where illness and discomfort can be prevalent in particular locations. These were places where cures can fail to remedy an illness until this underlying factor is addressed.

Moving baby’s cot ended the frequent crying and started me on a journey of discovery of the health effects of unseen influences in the environment. I chose a beautiful amethyst and silver locket to be my first pendulum. Practising earth energy dowsing with it, I found an energy line passing through where baby had been sleeping. Here was the evidence that spurred me on to find out more and I read everything I could find on the subject of dowsing. I went on to become a professional dowser, helping people to navigate unhealthy locations and writing about it too.

What is Geopathic Stess?
Scientists understand geopathic stress to be a geomagnetic disturbance that is geographically located and which disrupts the homeostatic mechanisms of the sensitive patient. In the 1970s Swiss Dr J A Jopp asserted that “the building site investigation for geopathic irritations [is] an important measure of prophylactic medicine.” Knowledge of it is strongest in the German speaking countries and Russia.

Some place traditions in those regions speak of the kreb haus / cancer house, that is associated with geopathic stress. And ancient traditions of siting important buildings such as cathedrals often involved the observation of bovine resting places as being conducive to the local medieval version of ‘good feng shui’.

Cows, sheep, dogs, horses, pigs, goats, mice and chickens always avoid geopathic zones, given the choice, it has been traditionally observed. On the other hand, some animals, such as cats, ants, owls, snakes and bees, can be attracted to geopathic zones and thrive in them. Dowsers have trained the inherent animal survival instinct we all have to be able to detect these zones.

Back in 1916 the first scientific evidence for geopathic stress came in the form of studies of the alteration of electrical conductivity found directly above underground streams of flowing water. These zones are always characterised by strong positive ionisation, the Russian engineering professor Nikolai Kaschkar concluded from his investigations. More research was done to understand the problem of ‘Earth Rays’ as it once was called.

A famous study was conducted by Baron Gustav von Pohl in Vilsiburg, south Germany, in the 1930s, in collaboration with the local health authorities. Von Pohl was a water dowser (aka diviner) who could detect the unhealthy zones over flowing streams of underground water. He was able to locate 100% of cancer patients in the village and this was confirmed by the hospital records. It became a common practise to always check a house for geopathic stress before moving it.

Scientific experiments in Switzerland and Germany used mice to understand the problem. Dr Hans Jenny used 24,000 mice over 12 years and found that they always tried to flee the zone, had reduced birth rates, higher mortality and higher susceptibility to cancer than controls. They even ate their babies, they were so irritated by the geopathic stress.

In multi-disciplinary studies, some funded by governments, scientists and medical experts have teamed up with the dowsers who detect the geopathic zones. Machines were developed to measure the hazardous Earth rays (and used also for finding water supplies). In Austria educator and author Kathe Bachler tested 3000 homes by dowsing and interviewed 11,000 people about geopathic stress. In schools she found that 95% of kids with learning problems were affected by it either at school or at home. As a result, the Austrian education department ensured that kids are rotated around the classroom and don’t get stuck in one particular location. Young people being worse affected than adults.

A theory developed by German hydraulics engineer E. Endros is that the movement of water along veins under the ground causes friction that alters the background radiation, and modifies and concentrates it above the vein. The zone of intensified radiation is a “lethal mix of neutron and infra-red radiation, partly converted to microwaves” as well as the altered electrical conductivity. Positive ions tend to make people feel rather miserable.

Checking for geopathic stress
On a practical level, you can test for geopathic stress by moving a radio, tuned in clearly to a station, over to a suspected zone. Both television and radio can have distorted reception in such a zone.

Clues to its presence might be visually seen too. Cracks in walls, crumbling plaster and peeling wallpaper, swollen timbers and the presence of mould and dust, are examples of geopathic effects. Trees may be repeatedly struck by lightning when affected, or their trunks might be twisted or have cancerous growths on them.

Affected areas often feel cold and/or damp. You may feel depressed or irritated there, or it may be a place that you intuitively avoid. If you know how to do muscle testing, people will test ‘weak’ when standing in a geopathic zone, as opposed to when tested in other places.

Dowsers can quickly pick up on the problem of geopathic stress. (Not all of them know that remedies can be applied, however.) Moving the bed or favourite chair etc away from a zone is the first line of defence. If the zone cannot be avoided, an Earth Acupuncture solution may be used. Devices are also available to neutralise the radiation, but these are much more expensive.


Reference – Divining Earth Spirit, Alanna Moore, Python Press, Australia, 2004.

Alanna Moore offers remote house surveys via Map Dowsing and practical advice about geopathic stress.


* Tinnitus – a Journey towards Silence

by Sarah, May 2024, Ireland.

My name is Sarah and I suffered with bad tinnitus for eleven and a half years. They said there was nothing could be done. So I just had to put up with this constant, loud, obnoxious, whining, high-pitched hum in the middle of my head day after day, forever and ever.

Then we had a power cut. That’s not unusual where I live, but this one went on for days. On the third day, in the evening, I was delighted to realise that my tinnitus had gone quiet, very quiet. When the power came back on, so did my tinnitis, as loud and obnoxious as ever.

My first search on google was for “tinnitus and electricity”. Soon I was learning about electro-magnetic fields and a possible connection with tinnitus. My journey had begun.

Listening to the Radio
Almost all electrical and electronic devices that plug into the mains generate electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). If these could be seen they would look like an aura, a cocoon or a cloud surrounding the device. These EMFs are undetectable to our normal human senses. However, I discovered via Youtube that they can be made audible with the help of a basic portable radio. If the radio is set to AM, not FM, and tuned all the way to the left (or the right) and the volume turned up, it should let out a hissing sound – that’s normal. When bringing it near a device that’s emitting EMFs, the radio should start buzzing.

My whole house was buzzing. Worst offenders were the set-top box and television, the PC, monitor and printer, my games console… but they were all at it, from phone charger to washing machine, dishwasher to electric heater. If they weren’t buzzing (via the radio), they were clicking, whining, screaming.

Quickly I discovered that turning a device off by pressing the little button on the front makes little or no difference. The only way to shut them off is to switch the power off at the wall or unplug them.

Switching off
So now I adopted a policy of properly switching things off at the socket when not in use. Some things like freezers and dehumidifier I leave on – they’re fairly quiet anyway. My old PC can’t be switched off (it doesn’t like it) but it has a hibernate mode that’s nearly as good. Everything else gets switched off at the wall or unplugged when not in use.

Light bulb moments
Old fashioned incandescent light bulbs don’t emit EMFs, but strip lights (fluorescents), CFL and LED bulbs can be bad emitters. However, I discovered by accident that Asda own-brand “classic” LED bulbs don’t emit EMFs, they seem to be shielded and they last longer too. I replaced all my bulbs with Asdas.

Measuring tinnitus
The aim of switching off was to see if my tinnitus could be reduced to something more bearable. Measuring tinnitus could be very subjective – “Is it a bit quieter?” “Was it louder yesterday?”. Fortunately I discovered that as my tinnitus becomes quieter it changes in character, as summarised below.

Level 3 – loud, centre of head
Level 2 – quiet on the left side, very quiet on the right
Level 1 – very quiet on the left side, silent on the right
Level 0 – silence

Encouraging results
For eleven and a half years my tinnitus had been constantly at level 3 or above. The only relief I ever got was during the power cut and then only after 3 days. From my switching off and doing without video games and television and spending minimal time on the PC, I witnessed my tinnitus drop markedly. It always started the day at Level 3 but sometimes dropped to Level 2 and on three occasions in the first fortnight, dropped to Level 1. To have my tinnitus drop down to just the tiniest of tiny hums in my left ear was wonderful. At this stage I was 100% convinced that EMFs were causing my tinnitus. However I still wasn’t satisfied.

According to my radio my house was now a quiet zone with very little in the way of EMFs. So why was my tinnitus still mostly at Level 3? Why did any improvement never seem to last? I had succeeded in reducing it down from Level 3 or above, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to get it down even more.

Body voltage
The radio is a cheap and cheerful, rough and ready way to detect EMFs, but it’s not perfect. Sometimes, I found, it gave false positives or false negatives. So it’s not entirely reliable. There are meters available to buy online, but they’re quite expensive.

Well, I don’t understand the science but it can be shown that exposure to EMFs immediately and measurably increases one’s body voltage, which is an electrical charge that builds up on one’s skin. I sent off for a Body Volt Meter (BVM). The BVM looks complicated, but using it is actually very simple. It’s a proper electrician’s multi-meter with a couple of extra attachments for measuring body voltage.

Instead of measuring EMFs directly, I was able to measure the effect they were having on my body – which is arguably more important. The numbers that I’ll be quoting below are in millivolts, thousandths of a volt.

I learnt that sitting on my settee I could be exposed to 200mV, laying in bed 600mV, using the games room 2000mV. Switching on the television on while sitting on the settee raised my body voltage from 200mV to 550mV. Using the PC raised it even higher.

By this stage I had given up television and using the games room (where I played video games). I was using the PC as infrequently as possible. Still my tinnitus was at Level 3 most of the time. But I had learned the name of the monster and how to detect it. Next I found out how to protect myself.

Finding Earth
The BVM has two wires. One ends in a stainless steel bar which one holds on to. The other ends in a clip which can be fixed to a wall plug adaptor which connects it to the mains earth. I quickly discovered that my mains earth is not reliable and set up my own earth. Fortunately I had a length of copper pipe and was to sink it into the ground, right down into the fly soil, outside my bathroom window. I brought it in through the window using aluminium foil folded repeatedly to form a strip so the window could be closed. In the house I connected it to an extension lead and tested everything thoroughly. It worked 100%, so I was able to get true readings – I call it True Earth.

So then I was able to try grounding myself indoors. My first attempt was with my PC. By making a grounding mat and connecting it to True Earth I was able to reduce my Body Voltage from 870mV down to 0 by kicking my slippers off and resting my feet on the mat.

It was a revelation! I had thought I was going to have to give up using the PC, playing video games or watching television. Now, it seems, I had a way of helping myself and reducing even a high exposure down to zero. So I made another grounding mat for my games room and also bought a grounding pillowcase. There’s a lot about grounding online and loads of products. To some it may sound a bit new-age, a bit airy-fairy, a bit expensive even. But if it works, it works.

Circuits and conduits
Another thing I discovered using the Body Volt Meter is that proximity to the electrical circuits in my house also increased my Body Voltage. I’d say they are as bad as all the devices that I’ve been so scrupulous in switching off. It’s not electro-magnetic fields but electric fields that are always given off by mains cables and they increase my Body Voltage, so I count them as bad.

All my electrical circuits are in plastic conduits fixed to the walls. I could shield them using conductive tape and connecting them to my True Earth. An experiment on the conduit running alongside my bed worked out well enough, but to do the whole of my kitchen would take hours upon hours of fiddly work, so at the moment I can’t be bothered. One thing I do, however, is to switch off most of the circuits at the fuse box when I go to bed, both lights and sockets. And, of course, I have my grounding pillow so that my exposure during the night should be zero.

I can’t claim to have cured my tinnitus, but I have witnessed a huge improvement. For some reason it always starts first thing in the morning at Level 3, bit it usually drops to Level 2 after a couple of hours. In the evening it regularly drops to Level 1.

This may not sound particularly wonderful, but compared to the pre-power cut when it was always at Level 3 and sometimes getting to Level 4 or 5, when I’d be banging my head and cursing! – it really is a huge improvement.

Final thoughts
I’ve spent many hours searching online and studying books. There are many possible causes of tinnitus. Sensitivity to electro-magnetic fields is only one possible cause and not one that gets a mention anywhere much. As far as I can tell the discoveries that I’ve made and the results I’ve obtained have been entirely novel. This isn’t surprising. Exposure to EMFs is a modern phenomena and it could take medical science another 50 years to catch on. Until then I guess I’m what people think of as just a ‘crank’, a ‘fraud’ and ‘mentally deficient’. So be it. My tinnitus has improved dramatically and that’s a fact.

My only hope in writing this story is that someone else who suffers from tinnitus might find it useful. One thing that people have been telling me is that those who spend a lot of time on computers seem to get tinnitus more. Well, maybe something can be done about that.

Reducing exposure to EMFs, switching things off when not in use, a bit of grounding and switching off whole circuits at nights – it isn’t rocket science and if if helps, then it helps. I just hope that someone somewhere who suffers from tinnitus may be helped by taking these few simple steps. If anyone wants to share this story with others, please feel free.

Best wishes and good luck!

[Sarah does have a so-called smart meter in her house. This is another factor to be considered in the causation of her tinnitus….Fortunately in Ireland these are not mandatory and one only has to register at the ESB call centre to never have one installed. Editor]


Earth Healing 101

by Madis Senner in Syracuse, NY, USA

As an Earth Healer I look to heal Mother Earth. I do so because I want to make a better world and believe that, in the process, I will make a better me. While I am concerned about reducing pollution, lessening my carbon footprint and other issues environmentalists are passionate about, they are not my primary focus.

I look to work with Mother Earth’s Hidden Body. So I will focus on things such as Ley Lines and Energy Lines. I do so because, like an Energy Healer, who believes the proper movement of energy in our Energy Body is critical to our health, I believe the movement of the Life Force and other energies across the surface of the Earth are critical to our Mother’s health and well-being. I believe this because I am an adherent of the hermetic principle of “as above, so below,” meaning what happens in the physical world is similarly happening in the Unseen World; in this case the human Subtle Body and Mother’s Earth’s Hidden Body. Ultimately our Mother’s health is consequential for all of life on the planet

Like an Energy Healer who believes illness will first manifest in our Energy Body long before the onset of physical illness, I believe it is the same for our Mother. Illness with first appear in Mother Earth’s Hidden Body long before we are ravaged by storms and pestilence.

Over the years I have come to learn that negative thinking will create blockages in the human Subtle Body. Similarly, negativity, war, violence, hate and the like will ravage Mother Earth’s Hidden Body; leading to blockages and disturbances on the surface of the Earth.

So much of my times is spent trying to heal ravaged areas. Using my dowsing rods I try and ascertain our Mother’s damaged areas. It could be places where people or animals were abused, or an area where a violent act happened. I may meditate in this area, or leave a prayer stone there, or…. I may also work with Ley Lines by charging them up by meditating on them so that charge may be carried a long distance. This means having good dowsing and geomancy skills, as well as knowledge of our Mother’s Hidden Body.

There is much more to Earth Healing. It also requires developing your spiritual self, or as I say your “spiritual acumen,” because the higher you vibrate and the more advanced you are on the path, the more skills and abilities will be gifted to you. So long periods of meditation, contemplation, pranayama, and helping others are part of the program. If you are interested in learning more about Earth Healing, Ley Lines, the Life Force and more see my YouTube channel MotherEarthPrayers

I am also putting together a series of videos on Earth Healing, called ‘Earth Healing 101’. Here is a link to the playlist,


Book Reviews:


Fairy Haunts of Ireland by Alanna Moore
Reviewed by Tara Killeen-Cronogue, Ireland

Alanna Moore’s ‘Fairy Haunts of Ireland’ is an enchanting journey through the mystical landscapes and folklore of Ireland. This captivating book delves into the rich tapestry of Irish fairy lore, weaving together stories, historical accounts, and personal anecdotes to create a vivid picture of Ireland’s supernatural heritage.

Moore’s writing is both scholarly and accessible, making it a delightful read for both enthusiasts of folklore and casual readers interested in the magic of Ireland. She meticulously documents various fairy sites, providing geographical and historical context that enriches the reader’s understanding of these places. Her attention to detail and the vivid descriptions transport readers to the very heart of Ireland’s enchanted landscapes.

What sets this book apart is Moore’s personal connection to the subject matter. Her passion for Irish folklore shines through, lending authenticity and warmth to her narrative. The stories of fairy encounters are not just retellings but are presented with a sense of reverence and wonder that invites readers to share in the magic.

In addition to exploring fairy lore, Moore delves into the fascinating intersection of mythology and religion in Irish history. She writes about ancient Goddesses and Gods who were recast as Saints, such as St. Brigid, offering insight into how pagan traditions were woven into the Christian fabric of Ireland. This adds a rich layer of historical and cultural context to the book, enhancing its depth and scope.

‘Fairy Haunts of Ireland’ is beautifully illustrated with photographs and drawings, which enhance the immersive experience. These visual elements complement Moore’s storytelling, making it easier for readers to envision the fairy haunts and appreciate their beauty.

For anyone with an interest in Irish culture, mythology, or simply a love for enchanting tales, ‘Fairy Haunts of Ireland’ is a must-read. It is a book that not only informs but also inspires a deeper appreciation for the mystical aspects of the natural world. Alanna Moore has crafted a work that is both a tribute to Ireland’s fairy heritage and a testament to the enduring power of folklore.

Nature Spirits Want to Talk with Us,

by Coleen Douglas, USA, 2024.
Reviewed by Alanna Moore.

You don’t have to have special psychic ‘gifts’ to be able to talk to fairies (a.k.a. devas) at the bottom of your garden. Just an open mind, curiosity, empathy and a heart full of love. And, if you read Coleen’s book, you will find great suggestions for accessing these magical realms, the invisible worlds of nature beings. It’s a great resource book for Otherworld adventurers and beginners alike.

Coleen, who delves into the deva dimensions of Redwood forests where she lives in California, wisely suggests that – “Nature spirits want to talk with us because we have a lot to do together to restore the natural world devastated by our human actions. Our collaboration with nature spirits is key as we, together, bring forth a new Earth – one built on respect and love for all, seen and unseen”.

Highly recommended for assisting a healthy connection between the worlds of spirit and our own.

What’s On?

Geomantica Events Coming Up




* May – October 2025: 

‘Mythic Mountain Tours’

Tour with Alanna Moore, have customised experiences exploring ancient sites and the Otherworlds in Ireland’s north-west. Accomodation for 2-4 in low electro-smog house; minimum of 2 people for 2 nights. Bookings –

Pic – dowsing energy lines at a megalithic site on a a tour in Co. Leitrim, Ireland.




* Australia

**Saturday 9th November – Katoomba, Blue Mountains, NSW

40th anniversary of the Dowers Society of NSW, that Alanna Moore was a co-founder of.
Website address for both events:

**Sunday 10th Nov. – one day workshop with Alanna Moore in Katoomba.
** Wednesday Nov. 13th, 1pm

– talk at the Blavatsky Lodge for the Theosophical Society, Sydney

info –

** 16-17th Nov. – weekend workshop at Callala Bay, near Nowra NSW

– Bookings:

** Wednesday Nov. 20th – one day workshop at Bemboka, NSW


** 23-24th Nov. 2024 Towamba, NSW – weekend workshop

– Bookings: Leo phone 0402503642 email

** Friday Nov. 29th, 12.30pm

– lunchtime book launch with Alanna Moore at the Theosophical Society, Melbourne.

** Saturday 30th Nov. 1.30 – 3.30pm

– Alanna Moore’s presentation at the Theosophical Society, Melbourne.

** Sunday December 1st

– one day workshop at the Magpie Centre, Upwey, Melbourne.
Bookings: George Neo –

**Wednesday Dec. 4th

– one day workshop at Frankston, Melbourne.

Bookings –   Phone 040 281 7701

** Dec. 7-8th

– weekend workshop at Coles Bay, Tasmania

Bookings – Jane

** Sunday Dec. 15th

– one day ‘Sensitive Permaculture’ workshop at a permaculture paradise in Monbulk, Vic

* Switzerland

Alanna Moore will give a one day near Zurich on Sunday January 19th.

Stay tuned for details.

* Great Britain

April 23 – 24th 2025

Two separate one day workshops with Alanna Moore, in the gardens of Charles Dowding, Shepton Mallet, Somserset.

The following weekend – a workshop in Norfolk. Stay tuned.




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